
How To Develop And Use Affirmations.

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are words and phrases stated in the present that allow you to condition and empower yourself for success in whatever your goals may be. Most often, people think that affirmations are used to focus on positive thinking. But affirmations can be used for a variety of benefits including enhancing relaxation, stimulating creativity, and strengthening self-control among numerous other values.

Your subconscious mind acts much like a computer - whatever you tell it to do, it does. So, if you say you want to do something, your consciousness is filled with the desire to make it happen on a multitude of levels. But if you say you are doing something, your consciousness begins doing it now. The more you practice affirming, the more it becomes second-nature.

By affirming daily, you allow yourself to be more comfortable, more beautiful, more joyous, and more in control of your life.

Basic Affirming - Guidelines

Remember, your words have power. Choose them carefully to create what you truly want.

Step 1. Achieve a Meditative State by taking deep breaths and allowing yourself to relax.

Step 2. Make a list to identify what it is that you want to create or change. Let's use the example of "I don't want to feel resentful."

Step 3. Empower. Take each statement on your List and empower it by making it a statement of positive action now. So, "I don't want to feel resentful" becomes "I am free of resentment."

Step 4. Repeat your affirmations regularly.

1) Songs. You can sing your affirmations by putting them to music. You can make up your own tunes or use the melodies of popular songs.

2) Post-it Notes. Write your affirmations on post-it notes and place them on mirrors, the refrigerator, in your date book, in strategic places where you will see them often.

3) Use specific daily activities as opportunities to repeat affirmations, e.g., bathroom breaks, meal preparation, time you spend in the mirror (very powerful), while exercising, bathing, etc.

4) I find that affirming during mundane activities is particularly powerful, e.g., turning the key in the lock on your door. You can also attach specific affirmations to specific activities. This practice soon becomes second-nature. a) Whenever you feel that you are in the process of doubting yourself, be sure to affirm and get back on track.

Examples And Types Of Affirmations

1) The Gripper. This is a situation where you feel your entire body tighten and your breath constrict. The Gripper can be the cause and/or result of anxiety, stress, and dread among other states of consciousness.

· Think of specific situations in your life where "the grip" gets you and form an Empowering Affirmation to assist you to choose to respond rather than to react. Example: My body is relaxed and breathe freely and fully as I perform this activity.

2) The Time Piddler. This is really a tactic that we quite often use to avoid doing something we don't want to do. Time Piddling always leads to last-minute stresses that cause less-than-desirable results - which inevitably lead t more Time Piddling the next time you have to deal with the situation.

· Take a look at the reasons you want to avoid handling the situation and deconstruct them so that you can manage the activity and your time. Example: I can handle this situation effectively, efficiently, and successfully with ease.

3) The Rusher. In a hurry much? WHY? Rushing is another indication that we may be avoiding certain responsibilities and situations. People often confuse being busy for being effective in their lives, which often leads to illness and injury - and to another form of Time Piddling. The reality is that there is only NOW. Rushing is, in a sense, focusing on the future because you're not fully present in the moment. When you rush, you miss the nuances of the full experience of your activities.

· Consider WHY you feel the need to rush to do so many things. Give yourself the opportunity to see what you could be doing to enjoy life more but are missing out on because you've decided on all the things you should be doing. Notice my choice of words to focus on the present moment of being. Example: I allow myself time for my wellness and I have plenty of time.

· Note: "Wellness" includes fun!

Now, have some fun creating affirmations!

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