
How to Be Observant - The Road to Success (By Sergei VanBellinghen)

  Woman Facing the Ocean during Day

When you have big dreams and goals that you have not yet achieved, you almost certainly discover that the road to success is far from easy and always under construction. The journey along the way is great, yes, but it is, in fact, the times when you are often the most uncomfortable.
In truth, the most successful people I know all say that there are much more difficulties on the road to success than one would expect to find. Even if you choose to follow something you love doing, it does not mean that success will come naturally and effortlessly. It will simply be more enjoyable.

For many, it is not comfortable. It is hard. But in sticking with it, it is worth it, as it always is. Usually, most people have a few small jobs and then one job or a career that they have for the rest of their lives. But some of us don't. It was such for me; I got a different life.

Are you wondering what pushes someone to get on such an uncomfortable road?

Well, I am 53 years old today, I was born with horses around me, race horses, and so I grew up by beginning riding at age 3, I went on to be a horse jockey. Being too heavy and racetracks being closed in my country, I went on to be a horse vaulting Acrobat which you often encounter in circuses.

But as a child growing up, I always knew I wanted to build my own business. It was an incredible, profound sense of how I wanted to live my life, even before I knew what path I would take. My life is just one example of many which show that the road to success is not just a bed of roses.

Your Journey Always Begins Optimistically

When I then got the opportunity to work for a big circus in the Soviet Union, I refused because animals were treated poorly. Today, I boycott circus because of mistreatment on wildlife. When you begin to go after your goals, you think very optimistically.

It is because you have not yet faced any stumbling blocks nor understood the false myths about success. But that optimism is a part of the willpower which gives you the necessary drive to follow through on your path to success.

And if you want to see the journey to fruition successfully; then you must be aware of the price that you are going to pay to realize it. During an exhibition in the USA, I defected, worked with horses at first, but got into becoming an O.R. Technician for a veterinarian which in turn made me move to California where I worked in Hollywood movies.

The road to success is constantly being created. Here I was in a country where I did not know anyone, where I did not speak the language, where I had no place to stay, where I had no job and all of this with no money and doing this alone.

Could you do it? Could you pay that price for your success?

Of course, this is extreme, but it is how I chose to do it. So far, I have done it five times already. I had to make it happen to be where I am today. I had real awkward moments on my road to success, but I also had great times where I saw miracles going on in my life. I couldn't be more grateful for it!

The Price to Pay for Success

Over the years, you and I may have faced many hurdles. You know that you do not get there until you make it through all the barriers in your way. All the successful people you see do not come into the world already having success.

The ones who manage to overcome those obstacles succeed in realizing their dreams. So, I left the United States to Moscow, Russia where I worked in security, then back in my homeland Ukraine to work as a bodyguard and chauffeur for an acquaintance.

Each time a year brought another challenge and reason to throw in the towel, but I did not. And while I felt like I was the underdog, it just empowered me even more. I just followed the price to pay for success by going to Belgium as a chief of security. But after two years, the firm closed its doors. I found myself a year without work.

Everyone has bumps on the path to success or any other road for that matter. But I think we need it. Whether you face small or large challenges, they are all made for you to grow and progress.

I believe that if you are not at least somewhat uncomfortable, you are not pushing your mental barriers hard enough.

The Obstacles and Sacrifices You Face

My road to success led me then to Vienna, Austria where I began to work on the streets as a customer sales representative for a sightseeing tour company. Following this, I got into my own business as a digital entrepreneur as a marketer and a self-improvement & success consultant.

Being an entrepreneur requires you to face obstacles and unpleasant sacrifices like working instead of fooling around. You think while others sleep; network while others enjoy a social life or research while others spend time in front of the big screen.

What you are after becomes an obsession. And when you feel like wanting something so terribly, it is only a matter of time until it comes to be yours. There are so many dark things that you may see on your way to success such as sleepless nights, rejection, doubt, disappointment, failure, stress, fear, long hours, pain, sorrow, loneliness, setbacks and more.

All kind of feelings will be encountered on your path to success. But if you want to see it through, you must be ready to face these feelings throughout your journey. You should allow yourself to reach the potential you have been given, even if the road to victory has bumps.

The Road to Success

Do not be surprised by what you are going to encounter because the road to success is paved with sacrifices and determination. Along the way, you will have to face stumbling blocks, twists, walls, barriers and curves.

You might never know how far the road will take you or if it is just around the corner, but at those times, push a little harder. Your journey will be determined by your willpower, hard work, belief, consistency, resolution, and above all persistence.

You need to be willing to take risks and fail as many times, only to get up and try all over again, and again. The road to your success is not a straight line, but much longer and has more bumps than you could imagine, particularly if you have or start your own business.

But when you do succeed and overcome all the obstacles, there is no greater pleasure than making your dream come true. Just stay focused on the end result. It doesn't matter how tough things are, never, ever give up. It is all part of the journey to success.

If I am telling you all of this, it is because you need to prepare yourself for the things you are going to face. This path is not for everyone and is not pink every day, but in the end, when you successfully make it to other side and realize that you accomplished your objectives, you will be grateful you did.

Today I help like-minded individuals on the road to success by helping them create a life they dream of having.

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