
Grow a Beautiful Garden in Your Mind - Pluck the Negative, Plant the Positive

Bunch of Pink Tulips

Have you ever seen a garden that just takes your breath away? I love gardens that are filled with an array of beautiful flowers all vibrant and rich with color. Such beautiful gardens require much work. Gardeners are constantly weeding and seeding - plucking the weeds and nurturing the good seeds. Believe it or not, your mind is a garden. It is either full of beautiful thoughts and ideas or negative images and beliefs. Sometimes you may have a combination of the two. Whatever you have in your mind will make you a beautiful, vibrant, and emotionally healthy person OR a negative, unattractive, and unhappy individual.

Make it a daily habit to weed and seed your mind. A weed is a wild plant that grows in gardens or fields of crops and prevents the plants that you want from growing properly. In your mind, weeds are negative thoughts and beliefs that you have about yourself and your circumstances and they limit you, paralyze you, and hinder you from living the best life that you can and should be living. Just as a gardener has to pluck the weeds from her garden to keep it healthy for the beautiful flowers to thrive and grow, you must do the same with the weeds in your mind. What happens when you allow weeds to grow too long before plucking them? They suck up all of the nutrients from the flowers and sometimes cause them to wither and die.

Your mind is a garden. Every day you should pluck the weeds and plant good seeds. For every negative image or thought, replace it with two or more positive thoughts. If you have allowed too many weeds to grow in your mind, it may take some time. By daily weeding out the negative, it will become easier to replace and plant the positive. Before you know it, you will have a beautiful garden in your mind and it will reflect in everything you say and do.

Positive affirmations can help you develop a positive attitude in your life. What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal, and specific. It decreases the times that you will normally think "I can't" or I'm not statements. Instead, statements should be positive using, I am, I can, and I will. Your affirmation for today is:

"I am an amazing person. I can be the best at anything I set my mind to do. I will continue to grow a beautiful garden of positive thoughts in my mind".,-Plant-the-Positive&id=8504381

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