
Force and Direction for a Positive Outlook on Life

We draw power each day from a number of forces and directions. It may be through interaction with a person whom we love, communication with a friend, a creative partnership at work, or just the beauty of being alive as we enter a new dawning. The amount of power depends on many factors including our mood, attitude, and life's functioning. If I tumble out of bed, late as usual, and then struggle to pull hair, clothing, and self together to race out the door and just miss the commuter train, I have pretty well set myself up for some abysmal results. It is difficult to be happy and light-hearted with pressure piling onto our shoulders and into our hearts and minds.

Imagine a morning quite the opposite of the above scenario. This time you awaken, refreshed before the alarm. Part of this is because you have gone to bed at an earlier hour without extra stimulation from electronic devices - games, emails, texts, movies - and you have established a bold, newfound mindset. No more mad flashes and dashes to pull yourself and your life together to greet the day, but rather a start filled with peace, organization, and positive atmosphere. You plug in time for yourself and your coffee, meditation, phone call to Mom, or reading the newspaper. This becomes your "all-to-myself" time to set up the start of a glorious day. Knowing that this dream world is impossible under your old regime, you have to carefully design and implement a new one that includes private moments for you to gather and regroup.

The most important source for the "new you" is contentment with your inner being, gaining strength because you are at ease with who you are. A second source comes from those you love and who love you in return like a brother or sister, parent or other relative. People who love us do not judge, do not condemn, and they do not criticize. While they may at times wonder at our choices, they care about us and accept us just the same. They listen with open ears and full heart and they offer feedback and insight when requested but never assault us with "you shoulda done!" advice. Their thoughtfulness fortifies and fulfills never leaving us with feelings of distress and failure.

Friends can satisfy us with this capacity as well. The biggest difference between family and friends is that a friend may go, but a family member is there forever (and sometimes the going of a "friend" is beneficial). A good friend, listens, offers understanding, and can perceive a need where we, perhaps, have missed it. With the "outside looking in" point of view, and a certain lack of lifelong familiarity, clear vision can exist. Friends most often are of similar age and interest and so a generation gap or lapse is not evident. Sometimes it is simpler to share with a friend because of their outsider standing and the desire to withhold some tough choices and events from close family members. Even though it may feel like a burden to unburden your soul, a friend can make it seem easy.

Co-workers and colleagues also add to force and direction. A common drive and goal pull teams together to accomplish magnificent feats. At work there is a unique level of you - the worker bee, the dedicated employee, the visionary, the leader. Colleagues see you in a different light. Your outside-of-work life lies in another realm and problems there, when carefully left behind, do not interfere with work which allows you to be more productive and engaged. The power of a great job with empowering co-workers revs up life and vitality. The mind expands and talents run rampant. Of course, you have to be in the right job with the right co-workers. If work is a drag and the people you work with even draggier, change is the eminent call. This is one tremendous way that family and friends can help you see more clearly and assist you in envisioning a new and brighter future. After all, a job has to be more than money, although dollars are very nice.

Finally, the greatest force and direction in life lies within your body and soul. You are the one who can be happy or sad, spirited or distressed. Just as your decision to be angry at the world enables it to be angry with you, you have the ability to adjust. Sure, the dog pooped on the floor, you have no milk for cereal or coffee to brew. The house is a mess and your favorite shirt has just been scorched by a much-too-hot of iron. You can haul in doom and gloom, stomp and roar, and berate yourself and the world or you can refocus and reassess and start with a fresher outlook for the day. And even if you must gloomily stomp and moan, you can halt these at will and alter your mood and attitude for the day. I do not begin to suggest that there are no rough moments in life. There are plenty of reasons to be down and out, withdrawn and afraid. There are also multiple reasons to move ahead with an optimistic, confident glow. You will be amazed at the results and the incredible benefits.

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