
The Lucky Person (In A Self Made Way)

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Consistent winners, what are they? Indeed, that is a question worth asking. Thomas Jefferson once had a quote about creating luck through working hard. Sure, more than difficult work is required to create a winner, certainly. But, winning requires its share of work to be a consistent one. For one thing, to be able to repeatedly win, you must understand the pitfalls and mistakes to avoid through temporary failure before consistent winning. Some will fully understand my meaning and some will have to ultimately get it, but, a real loser depends on initial luck and quits if that initial effort ends up a failure. That is the wrong way to approach life and existence. Indeed, consistent loss is depending on initial luck fully, consistent winning is initial failure, understanding what you did wrong, and then getting it right next time.

With the above said, even Michael Jefferey Jordan, the great basketball player did not make his high school team on the first try, but he went on to become a basketball champion anyway with legendary status in the sport of basketball. Indeed, understanding failure and then correcting your efforts is the best way to go, not depending on initial good fortune to get you through without being able to repeat it genuinely.

Indeed, the biggest failure is failure to perceive what makes a genuine and repeatable winner more than the "good fortune" itself. This is even true in a wasted poker game, also. After all, some of the greatest poker champions lost a lot of tournaments before they developed their winning styles after all. So, the biggest loss in anything is the perception of the lesson or lack of perception of the lesson in the mind, between the ears, or whatever perceives the reality of the situation at the time the situation is happening. Sure, we can all take action, but the proper action is what helps us win, and the improper action is that which makes us genuinely fail. With that said, proper experience is always better than initial lucky success on the first try without experience, however "good" the success may initially feel or seem. So, "getting off easy at first" is almost always never a good thing when considering genuine and repeatable success. After all, where do you think the saying "He who really succeeds first understands it at last" or this one "We all love to win, but who loves to train?" That is my big point in this article, we make our own ultimate luck, luck is never really given, even when we seem to succeed "without effort". Ultimately to be repeatable, success must fully be understood.

So, I end with a quote about this phenomenon from the great singer Johnny Mathis:

"I'm really pretty much a regular person who just got very lucky. I got involve early on in my life with a lot of wonderful people who helped me and guided me. I found out what I really liked to do and that was sing. And I had a lot of help to accomplish most of my goals."
That quote seems like a minor quote, but it shows the reality of what I am writing about just fine, because real and sustained success comes through understanding, and absorbing lessons that work. Do not just believe me, understand me here.

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