
The Big "What If"

Woman Holding Bonzai Tree

What you genuinely want does matter, not the silly "what if" questions you have about it, if the goal is right for you do not matter. Let me explain: Reality as we all can feel genetically from birth pretty much is a double-edged sword of sorts and there is a certain way we all must swim if we want to live off of the fat of the land and be genuinely rich in our hearts and souls. So, here is the measuring rod to whether your goal is right for you.

  1. Is it important to you?
  2. Does it feel good?
  3. Is it moral?
  4. Is it realistic?
I put "does it feel good?" before "is it moral?" for this reason to answer one of the deepest questions in life: This question appeals totally to your intuition and conscience exactly in that pecking order and nothing more. If you cannot answer question two successfully, you automatically cannot touch question three or four, even if question one is approved by others, supposedly. Let me put it another way even if that way is kind of controversial in some ways: So, let us say that you were Adolf Hitler with a choice to make about life at a time where it could go either way, and you had the power of those four questions to make the right choice quite clear in your mind. Would the same line of events have happened? Or would everything have happened differently? My point is that, even someone as evil as Adolf Hitler seemed with that choice would want to benefit themselves, really, and if they had the chance they would probably change fates or choices to accommodate that reality instead of going for that quick glory that ruins everything. That is the crux of my point, and that should show clearly the realistic import of an important, good feeling, moral and realistic goal that lines up with your intuition and conscience. But without that line up, you cannot benefit anyone or anything, especially yourself. Everything is and feels like just one big "No".
When everything lines up, everything is one big yes, even if you do fail at first, you know what is right and you stick to it until you genuinely do succeed. Is that simpler than the answer I gave above, or what? Then again, everything being what it is, we can try to lie to ourselves and never really succeed, just like Adolf Hitler if he followed the same life path with those honestly come by realities in his head right down to the cyanide bullets bitten. So, what you want genuinely does matter, when you do feel the answers accurately like Michael Jackson felt the song, music, moves and dance was right to make the money he made. I am also saying that if you go against the right feeling and attempt to lie to yourself, it will destroy you. Also, Michael Jackson knew the pain medication and artificial sleep drugs would destroy him, of course, indeed though at that level, he lied deeply to himself. After all, all of his genuine allies said he "had it together" on the stage very well, of course. It was off the stage in his "normal life" and reality, he was a "nutty mess". I also, mention this part as a warning, it is better to "have it together" in reality than to have a great show going on outside of reality if you get what I mean by now.

So, with all that said, what would you rather have? A great fantasy? Or a great reality where everything genuinely checks out successfully with that first question about "is it important?" answered well, and all the questions checking out right down to "is it realistic?" We all decide, and it is clear we do. The reality about human nature is:

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." Helen Keller
The key is there, open the door and go on through. I have the benefit of being honest with you about it all. If you want better, it has to be earned, not given. Thank you for reading.

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