
How to Invest Time in Yourself - 8 Inspirational Ideas

The goal and focus of this coaching session is to find out what action I will take, to invest my time better. At the same time I want to invite you to feel inspired with my solutions, so that you will have a more clear idea on how to invest time in yourself. With that said I will pose the question that I'll find an answer to.

  • How can I invest time in myself even better to become more successful with my business?

My current situation: I've just recently listened to a success audio program, which have made me more effective. I'm writing daily goals and short and longterm goals. I have a to-do daily list with stuff I need to do every day. These goals are done quickly, so I can move on to my business. I've decided to educate myself in my field of expertise 1 hour every day. I exercise every day and I work out at home a bit also. I'm meditating when I need to relax, to avoid stress. The most useful thing I've done in a long time, was to seize the opportunity to become a certified coach to be able to coach myself and others writing articles like now, using the specific coaching model.

Alternatives to my current situation: Now it's time to find out how I could invest my time differently to become more successful with my business. These ideas might prove to be inspiring on how to invest time in yourself.

  1. I could listen to more audio books about different areas of running a business
  2. I could go to the library and get inspired
  3. I could find inspiration from different types of trade fairs.
  4. I could learn a new creative skill like painting, to nurse my creative side and use it at my website
  5. I could learn a new working skill like public speaking on videos
  6. I could exercise more to improve my mental capabilities
  7. I could train my memory
  8. I could learn a new language to open up even bigger possibilities

That's the end of alternative possibilities and now it is time to choose the action.

The action I'll take to invest time in myself even better to become more successful with my business is:

I'm going to inspire myself, researching other successful businesses in my area of work and write down thoughts and ideas that I could incorporate into my own business plan.

How will I remember to do it? I'll write it in my calendar

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