
Clarity And Duty In Life (Alternatively Titled Understanding And Dharma)

Before I begin, I would just like to say that this will be like everything and nothing you have read before. When you are clear and know what you want, that is where you are. Without that clarity though, you are lost and you cannot even lift a pencil or a feather or go anywhere. What I mean by that is: We must be clear on where we all want to go, or we go nowhere.

I remember reading about the hypnotic experiments of "the Sage of Rochester" or Hippolyte Bernheim, and it basically came down to: With definite direction, the mind, spirit, soul and all can genuinely achieve anything worthwhile. Without definite direction, everything is weak chaos, or the mind and gross physical body through the mind cannot even lift a feather or a pencil without great effort. I get it.

Thinking about this reality, what direction do you or I have in life? Is it definite and powerfully compelling, or is it something we just want to get through? My point is, for everything to genuinely work, it is our duty to be clear on what we want so that we can genuinely get somewhere.

The reality that we must have a definite goal is nothing new, of course. Looking at the goal as something that must be achieved with the full mind, body and spirit, that is somewhat new because sometimes, we do think that outer forces cause goal achievement, such as luck, providence and all the other superstitions. All achievement comes from within and when we really want the goal those forces are ultimately unleashed. It may take a short time or may take a long time, but if you really are in that desirous phase of mind and spirit, they will be unleashed. Sure it is that simple, and all goals come down to this fact. Indeed, reality is simple and comes down to the lowest common denominator, not the highest or most complex thing, and ultimately, like a golf ball goes into one hole or goal per par section on the course or each part of the golf game, so does reality go to one goal really wanted at a time in that way.

Nobody can act contrary or in opposition to their understanding which explains why earned success usually works better than luckily won success or windfall type success. Goal achievement that is earned comes down to consciousness. Goal achievement that is otherwise or lucky comes down to "outer influences" and can go either way, success or failure ultimately. With that said, it is always best to be clear on what you want if you want to ultimately achieve it in a doubtless and earned way.

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