
When You Feel Life Is Not Worth Living, Why You Should Never Give Up In Life (By James Nussbaumer)

               Monochrome Photography of Person Laughing

In previous articles I told about my story of being sentenced to 10 years in prison over a foolish securities violation. This occurred in my 25th year as a financial, a business I loathed and never truly wanting it as a career. Somehow I'd just got caught up in making it my livelihood.

The thought of never give up hope was hard to hang onto as I resided in the county jail for two months, due to my inability to find bail money.

All I could think about in my scarcity mindset, was life is not worth living.

The Course in Miracles states, "There are areas in your learning skills that are so impaired that you can progress only under constant, clear-cut direction, provided by a Teacher."

This is where I would remain until being bussed off to prison.

A prisoner is a prisoner, and believe me, it can make one feel like life is not worth living.

Nor would I have to live any longer with the person I 'd so desperately been trying to be for so many years.

"My career is finished, life is not worth living," I would repeatedly mumble to myself while chained to the inside of the van with others who seemed to never give up hope on the rides back and forth to the jail.

To the world I was just another convicted felon.

The Course in Miracles further teaches, "Do not attempt to teach yourself what you do not understand, and do not try to set up curriculum goals where yours have clearly failed."

On this day before Christmas Eve I had not yet been sentenced, but, taking my lawyer's advice to never give up hope, I pleaded guilty to charges of forgery and theft that would send me to prison.

I thought it was odd that there was no plea bargain.

My attorney insisted I trust him.

Once back at the jail, I noticed the young female deputy who unlocked the leg irons from my swollen ankles was about the same age as my twenty-one-year-old daughter Megan.

While the young deputy escorted me down a long corridor leading to my cell, I briefly recalled my own headstrong twenties, a period where I 'd never give up hope.

I 'd never gotten into the kind of trouble I was in now while trying to convince myself to never give up in life.

The deputy apologized and was pleasant as she smiled with a gesture like saying, never give up hope, and pointed for me to enter the tiny cell where I would remain for at least another thirty days.

I still was to be sentenced, which would mean one more round trip to the courthouse and back, and I was told that due to prison overcrowding I would have to wait for a prison bed.

In my case I was broke, so how could I possibly have the attitude of never give up hope.

To making your life worth living!,-Why-You-Should-Never-Give-Up-In-Life&id=9814536

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