
Strategies on How to Build Resilience in a Stressful World

Yoga, Strength, People, Woman, Meditation, Fitness

Being resilient is not about glossing over hard times and pretending they didn't happen, it's coping with them in a way that allows you to bounce back.

Adopting a positive attitude and developing the right skills in the midst of difficulties is important because they help you live a happy life. You'll be able to achieve your personal goals and have a better relationship with others and yourself.

Do you think you need help building resilience? Are you looking to become calmer? Are you struggling with moving on from a heartbreaking, traumatic, or disappointing experience?

I'm here to tell you that you can move forward and be the warrior that you are meant to be. Read on to discover simple yet valuable strategies on becoming resilient below.

1. Focus on what you can control.

You need to understand one thing: You are not in control of every single thing that happens in your life.

More often than not, we think about what we could have or have not done to prevent a negative event. Believe me, there is no use stressing about something you cannot take back.

Remember this: The only thing you can control is yourself. Put all your anxieties aside.

Ask yourself, "What is the next best thing I can do at this moment to make myself better?" Then do it.

2. Practice an attitude of gratitude.

Can you identify at least 5 things that are going well in your life at this moment?

Developing an attitude of gratitude changes your perspective, how you look at certain situations.
Instead of excessively worrying about what's missing, focus on your blessings. Whether you have food on the table, clean air, a loving spouse or friend, or a career, anything that's good is definitely something worth being thankful for.

If you want to become more appreciative of what you have, meditate on these things. Write them down in a journal. Talk about them! The more you do it, the more it becomes you.

3. Exercise regularly.

I know this might sound odd, but yes, making exercise a daily habit actually helps you become more resilient.

Why? In a study mentioned in Time Magazine, physical stress (in exercise) helps you adapt better to the life's stresses.

Imagine yourself sweating, your heart racing, and your respiratory rate going up when you exercise. They simulate real-life hardships. The more you exercise, the stronger you become physically, emotionally, and mentally.

If you are emotionally sensitive in nature, engaging in regular physical activity builds your resilience. Put in mind that you are way stronger than you imagine.

4. Don't forget to love yourself first.

When was the last time you really took good care of yourself? Do you accept yourself for your strengths and flaws or are you being too self-critical?

You are worthy, always keep that in mind. Self-love is deeply appreciating you for who you are and not imposing unrealistic expectations.

Self-love matters more than you think it does. When you love yourself, you are more likely to be happy and authentic. No one can use your weakness against you.

Final Word

These are just some of the best ways for you to develop resilience. However, the strategies here will already put you off to a good start. Resilience takes time and a lot of patience but its benefits for your life are truly worthwhile.

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