
Shift Into Divine Alignment

Being in divine alignment feels so good because it allows us to freely be who we were meant to be. We don't have to pretend or be inauthentic because of the expectations of others. And we can't worry about who accepts us and who doesn't. Do you want to know something? Not everyone will and that's more than okay! Their acceptance of us can't block our blessings or our path to success. Those things have already been established. But when you worry about the opinions of others, and scale back on your big dreams because of their small mindset, that can hinder you.

Focus on who you were created to be and the change you were born to bring into the world, and the gifts you are meant to share. When you focus on those things the opinions don't matter. Because you don't have the time or energy to invest in that negative nonsense.

So don't hide your gifts and don't be afraid, show up in the world in a big way. You never know what God has on the other side of your leap of faith. Believe in yourself even if nobody else believes in you. You can't control how others feel about you but you can control how you feel about yourself.

Life is too short to live it in the box that others try to put us in. We were made for more and we deserve more. We deserve the amazing and phenomenal life that have been divinely designed for us. So go for it!

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