
Message From the Universe: You Are the Dark Matter of Positivism!

Universe, Person, Silhouette, Star, Joy, Hug, Search

"Can you keep a secret?

You know the space between you and all things, the void. Like right now, the space between you and your computer.

That's where I hide... and watch.

Looking to see what your expectations are: of yourself, others, abundance, health, and happiness.

And from this space as I catch your thoughts, hear your words, and see all you do, no matter where we are, I manifest the next moment in time.

Fade out with "I believe in miracles, you sexy thing" by Hot Chocolate -
The Universe"

If you look up in the sky, and stare at the stars, you notice dark material in between the stars, in between the white dot that lightens the sky at night. What can that be? Is it just because it is night that we can see the distance between the stars that is covered by black material? Obviously, during daytime, it can be difficult to notice it. What you see in between stars, planets, and galaxies is what we call DARK MATTER. Why do we call it dark? Well, that is because scientists have not yet figured out what is the material/composition of Dark Matter. What and how do planets float in our Universe? On the one hand, within our Milky way Galaxy, we have Dark matter that keeps stars and planets floating and keep them where they are supposed to be but yet, OUTSIDE of our galaxy, we have Dark Energy, which is similar to Dark Matter but instead of keeping galaxies floating in our Universe, it pushes them far away from each other, at lightning speed. Some say we are about to experience a Big Crunch, where all of what we see will go back to its original point of Singularity, where energy will be highly concentrated into a pea size ball and then create the Big Bang explosion all over again. However, others disagree on that Big Crunch theory since Dark Energy is now a part of the equation in quantum theory. IF Dark Energy pushes galaxies away from each other, that means that the Universe is ever expanding right? That is simple logic. So how can scientists come up with this theory of the Big Crunch? Since the Hubble telescope can ONLY see all the way back to the beginning of time, when the Big Bang happened, 13.1 billion years ago, it is hard to assume that this actual event of the Big Bang is a repeat of an alternate Universe that occurred because of a Big crunch and created the Universe we see today.

The point of this study is that we the matter between our thoughts and actions is the nature of how we conduct ourselves daily, how we see life, how we appreciate the things we already have. By staying positive, no matter how things happen in our lives, we should focus on being grateful and thank the Universe for everything we are able to see and enjoy. Every thoughts you create, every word you say, every things you see can and will manifest itself in your future so start thinking positive. Are you experiencing issues? WE all do, so get to work and fix them. More you keep that negative energy from within, more you will experience negative results. The opposite is also true so keep on smiling, keep on moving forward and walk with your head held high. There is no other ways around that.!&id=9501232

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