
Create Your Vision: Make It Personal

Two Women Holding Pen

Having a vision has been a strong lesson that has been taught for years. All level of leadership, e.g. presidents, governors, school principals, parents, CEO of a business, etc., all at some point recognize the importance of having a vision. In Proverbs 29:18, it states that where there is no vision, the people perish. When you have a vision, even just for your own life, it causes you to recognize your purpose for life. When you begin to think about your vision, you basically are answering the question about what your future will look like as you fulfill your purpose and destiny.

There are plenty of questions to ask yourself when you begin to create your vision. Here are 3 basic questions you can ask yourself for creating your vision:

If you had all the support you needed, what dream would you pursue? Most vision questions help you do what you did as a kid: imagine. I believe we adults are allowed to imagine when it's about a positive and joyful future. Some people will dream about spending more time to travel the world or becoming a highly successful entrepreneur. Whatever the dream is, nothing is too ridiculous to imagine. Become a kid sometimes and just imagine! It may actually make you smile more!

What is your favorite way to spend the day? As you describe all your favorite activities, you should begin to recognize how you feel. Most people may mention how relaxed they feel, how happy they feel, how peaceful they feel. For example, if your favorite activities include volunteering at the local homeless shelter and spending the rest of the evening with your family, you normally will feel some type of positive emotion when describing those activities. They'll make you smile and/or laugh because they're your favorite.

What do you want? No, what do you really want? This can be a tough question for some because most people feel they shouldn't be selfish. Being selfish for positive reasons is important because when you want to make positive changes, you must make it personal! Any questions you ask yourself, you must be completely honest as well. Knowing what you really want will allow you to answer honestly and make decisions that are loyal to you. Even if everything doesn't quite turn out exactly how you want, you are still capable of achieving great and positive results for your life.

There are more questions you can answer to really create a focused vision for your life. When you put all those answers together, you should be able to develop some goals and a plan of action to start moving forward! I urge you to connect with a coach to help set up that accountability to make sure that you stay motivated and focused. Making the right connections will help set up that ideal support system to keep you going no matter what!

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