
Connect To Life

Body of Water Across Sunset

As we go through life there is one thing that is certain and that's change. We live day by day with the intention making things the best we can for that day. Life can be so routine and unapologetic. Getting over the hump can be just that and depending on the hump it may be a struggle. The point is that things can be so routine and mechanical. We understand what needs to be done and we do it. A routine it's just that simple. This is far from a bad thing. To do a good thing over and over helps to develop excellence. Excellence is something we all seek. You will eventually succeed at your endeavor if you continue to press. If you live long enough you will experience many stormy days and many days of sunshine. They are both the same just on different ends of the spectrum. Learn to be thankful for both. Every struggle will bring forth positive results. To know that you succeeded because of the work you put in is a gratifying feeling. Nothing can compete with that feeling. That feeling fuels the seed of conviction.

Victories and failures are dependent of each other. You have a deeper respect for winning when you know how hard it was to reach that pinnacle. Routine is a great thing, but be careful not to become routine. It's an easy thing to do. Some of us call it pacing ourselves. Nothings wrong with keeping the pace but you will gain more when you are stepping up the pace. The harder you work, the more you gain and a brighter picture of what you are and who you are becomes clearer. Perspectives of what and how you failed and succeeded will be many. Routine can have you spinning your wheels. Let consistency be your routine. Consistently find ways to improve on every facet of your life physical and spiritual. Working hard for the sake of it does not bring about the best results for your efforts. Hard work is essential but working smart is just as important. Know what your strengths are and expound on them. Your weaknesses if focused on can become strengths also. How you apply pressure either way will determine your success or failure.

I am struggling to keep from writing this but be who you are. You know what fuels you and you understand exactly what impedes you. No one knows you better than you. So yes, be who you are because you understand who you are. These clichés actually have some worth. You will find that you can actually go as far as you would like to go. The only real roadblock is self. We tend to get in our own way. It will never be easy, but you are worth it. When you connect with your inner self, you connect with a source that not only you can trust but has your best interest in every aspect of your life. If you obey your conscious and follow your heart, you will be connecting with one who made you. With these faculties in place, you have an anchor to put down whenever you feel you are moving in the wrong direction. They can also serve as your compass. By allowing your conscious and your inner self the space to act accordingly, whenever there is a question about what, why and how you are doing this or that you get an honest and sincere answer. When you can correct yourself, you are in turn correcting the world. You transform and you transform you connect to life. Connect as much as possible.

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