
Who Are "We"? Who Are "You"? Are "We" Completely Defined As Our Egos?

Who are "we"? Who are "you"?

Are "we" completely defined as our egos?

Are you completely defined as your hobbies, profession, ambitions, or your physical descriptions?

Where in your physical "you" is 'who' 'you' really are?

Are "you" in your heart? We do a lot thinking so are "we" in our brain?...

Or how about in our mind?...

but physically, where is our mind?

Our eyes do the looking... but 'who' is doing the seeing?

All of our senses do the sensing... but again, 'who' is doing the witnessing?

All of these senses are brought to our brain as electro-chemical impulses...

The brain interprets this data, and our conceptual mind analyzes, judges, compares, reasons... determines if we should fight or take flight.

If there is a perceived threat or if someone is possibly attempting to make fun of us, take advantage of us or challenge our fragile eggshell egos...

"We" become the illusion of our conceptualizing mind mistakenly centered around the complex psychological influences our egos superimposed on 'who' 'we' take 'ourselves' to be.

Egos are responsible for best friends to part, marriages to fail and wars to be fought for countless eons.

But yet, through it all...

"We" still tend to consider our egos to be our true selves...

Until 'we' die.

Knowing that a funeral Hearse don't have luggage racks, we get the notion that we can't take anything material with us... nor can we take our precious egos...

If one could imagine for a moment, that perhaps 'we' are not our egos...

Then what could possible define our individual 'self' to be?

Imagine that 'we' are among a collective consciousness that is kosmically interconnected...

A oneness of everything. Then 'we' are at one with it all...

the identification of an individual 'we' dissolves in this 'oneness'...

Then 'we' are born into this 'Life'...

We become like an ice-cube, afloat in an ocean of consciousness...

The frozen water is like our illusion that we are separate from the rest of the ocean of water...

But when the ice-cube that seems to be 'us', melts with death...

The illusion of being separate from the oneness... instantly melts.

Be Here Now!

This precious ever-present moment is the Grace of all that there is.

Be fully present, give unconditionally, love unconditionally, feel the Divine Bliss of Joy in every precious moment.

May your compassion for all others arise spontaneously and through all the dynamics of life may you maintain a balanced sense of equanimity.

Live your life with these morals and virtues with no regard about heaven, nirvana; nor waste your precious time contemplating even a 'favorable rebirth'...

"who" is it that would achieve heaven, nirvana, or this so-called favorable rebirth?

Certainly not the ego we currently take ourselves to be.


'we' wouldn't even recognize our new selves if was even possible to meet up in the 'after this life'...

All of these concepts are just the limited projections of our ego-centric, conceptualizing minds that grasp at imagining some sort of permanence in a reality that is obviously 'impermanent'.

The True Nature of 'our' Being is the primordial Oneness that never was born, nor will never die.


to be 'At One with it All'...

leaves no room for a 'me', an 'I', an individual 'self'.

To be 'At One With It All', is to be everything...


no 'one' at all.

This is a concept, that, like 'God'...

simply can't be understood by what 'we' take 'ourselves' to currently be...

So just Be Here Now...

Meditate on your inner stillness...

there is a sacredness there... abide in this refuge.

Allow this meditation of sacred stillness to open a door to a sacred silence...

Be with this inner silence and listen for the Divine whispering of Wisdom to float into your Being.

Abide in this refuge...

it is part of your True Nature of Being.

Allow this meditation of your inner silence to open the door of your Boundless Spaciousness.

The union of these three doors will present the True Nature of who 'you' really are.

Abide there as long as you can, and take this with you throughout your busy day and into your dreams...

then, allow the clarity of Awareness to Transcend into your dreamless sleep.

When you awake, start your new day with the realization that you are part of everything.

You are part of 'God', God is part of everything...

'You' dissolve into Being...

'At One With It All'.

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