
The Path Of The Soul

The completion of an isolated task assumes relative importance in my life if I do not insert that task in the broader context, but if it is, it immediately becomes more relevant, at least within that project, because it is an element of the puzzle that finds its place in the larger scheme. In the same way, every chapter of my life is part of what I am building and is therefore fundamental, because it brings me closer and closer to the realization of my goal, the goal of my soul. It is on this basis that I determine how vital my projects are because they are important only within the greater realization. If I have a clear idea of my goal and complete a project that can facilitate its achievement, the latter is doubly important and brings me a step forward towards the final realization.

When, on the other hand, I complete a project that is an end in itself and goes beyond a superior perspective, it is relatively essential, and its meaning is of equal value. Without a context, a separate program is relevant only to the emotional space-time of its attainment and is temporary fruition to be repeated or easily forgotten in the achievement of the following analogy. There is no need for a complicated aim to give a project a meaning. It can be something like increasing my overall happiness or even something fun to give me the drive to move forward or accelerate. All my behavior should be predominantly intentional, and I should tend to undertake projects only when there is a good reason for doing so. In any case, it is normal; usually, an adult person does not dig holes and then fill them, he or she needs a reason.

The difference, therefore, between the objective and the project is that the first is a final result, a point of arrival, a state of being, and the second is the channeling of actions that I feel obliged to take to help me reach a goal. So I start defining the purpose, I create a project to achieve it, and I carry out the tasks to complete it and thus reach the goal. My soul has a goal, also called The Path of the Soul, which manifests, develops, and materializes, with a concatenation of realized projects. Any finished project is part of the path of the soul; even those integrated into the context of basic survival needs, improvement of social status, and the need for security. The soul also needs this because it cooperates with the broader design, that of this life, but not only this. If I am content with little or rest on my laurels, I risk finding my soul hungry, and it is not the best situation considering that it has an infinite journey before it.

All of this quite clearly indicates to me that knowing my purpose or destiny or project of the soul in this incarnation is of fundamental importance. If I do not have an intention, I am stalled exclusively within the context of pure and simple survival necessity, which does not need me to carry it forward. Survival does not need to evolve into awareness, to open up and expand beyond the I AM, into the universal understanding and contact, into the consideration of the infinite other souls with their own countless goals and projects and paths to be traveled. Survival, by its very nature, is hard to master; it always needs something else that is usually placed in the future or hypothetical. But I do not need to master it to start pursuing my deeper or higher purpose. I have to learn to live with it and enjoy the present - already full of everything - as I explore the path to knowing the use of my life and the goal of my soul, which are usually very close, less than a span above my mind.

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