
The Importance of Genuine Introspection (By Nikunj Shah)

What comes to our mind when we hear the word 'introspection'?

We often say that we introspect and also hear others telling us that they also regularly introspect.

At this point, I would like to raise a question - are we really introspecting impartially or are we simply attributing our behavior as a reaction to the situations or events played out?

This question comes up because even when we say we introspect, we often do not see that it is accompanied by a transformation. Thus, an introspection that does not result in a genuine transformation in oneself cannot be regarded as true introspection. 
This leads to the next question - what then is true introspection all about?

I was pleasantly surprised to discover what my Gurudev, Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai had to say in an article written by Him on true introspection. In a very clear and simple language, He helped me understand the importance of impartial introspection and how it helps in developing virtues in a seeker of spirituality.

After reading the article, I could comprehend that if we continue to attribute blame on the 'external' for our shortcomings and reactions, then we are not really introspecting. Because this track of thinking (of putting the blame on 'others' and acquitting ourselves from our hurtful reactions) will not lead us anywhere. It is futile to expect even an iota of transformation if we continue on this track of thinking. Most of us end up succumbing to blaming the outside because we find it a relatively easier approach to close the case. This leaves no scope for any sort of genuine introspection. In fact, it is a form of escapism - no need to look within for our own faults and just pass the buck onto others.

Further, it helped me to recognize that transformation cannot happen without genuine introspection and it is this introspection that will help a seeker of truth in identifying his/her own faults, thought patterns, reasons behind irritations and frustrations and many such shortcomings. Once we identify and are able to view our own faults in any situation thanks to genuine introspection, it is but natural that our very next thought would be to get rid of them and move towards purity, which actually is the advent of spirituality in our lives. Thus, genuine introspection is the key to spiritual beginning and advancement.

So how does genuine introspection help in bringing about a transformation in ourselves?

I have included a link below that helped me realize its importance. Hopefully, it will encourage and inspire you too to strive for impartial introspection.

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