
The Importance of Consistency

As careful as we plan and would like to plan the steps that lead to a bountiful life, there still exist the opportunities for missteps. To move forward requires drive and focus, but if drive and focus is pointed in the wrong direction you will find yourself spinning your wheels and continuing to do the things that keep you trapped. There is no doubt drive and focus is keen. Let's not leave out consistency. In order to develop excellence you will have to be consistent in your approach and technique. The more you do something (If you are doing it with emphasis of doing it better every time) the better you get at it. You develop excellence, but consistency is what you got you there. Consistency allows you to move forward. It fuels you with positive energy. I've yet to see a winner that doesn't display positive energy. I have yet to meet a winner that does not want repeat that accomplishment. It is important that you understand life changes from day to day nothing stays the same. Today will soon be like yesterday, it will be the past. So improving everyday is important and it takes consistency for that to happen.

When you consistently work to improve every facet of your physical and spiritual life, you become what you are. There will be times when you feel you just don't have the energy or can't fix the problem, that's when you need to rely on consistency. You will never have magic words or will something to be better. But you can rely on what you can do about the issue. Applying the right direction, drive, focus and consistency to the issue allows you to master the situation. Mastering the situation allows you to plan and navigate through life. If you consistently make the same mistake over and over again, some will say that hinges on insanity. I say that you just need to follow a direction that will benefit from the energy and consistency that you applied when repeating the mistakes. When you actually start to experience the benefits of your efforts you develop a different perspective. I personally appreciate a person that will at least make an effort to make life better it only helps the rest of us. Circumstances are what they are. Some of the world's deepest problems are some of its oldest problems. To me that's odd since we all understand that life only advances and to become stagnate and not continue to grow only creates decay and how decay can dictate life is still a question that needs to be answered. I know my last statement may not be proper grammar but it emphasizes my point.

You can't change what is, but you can decide what you will do about it. Excellence is a habit may be cliché but is very real. When you follow your heart and your conscious, combined with common sense, you will come out ahead. Doing it consistently will strengthen your conviction, and sharpens your reasoning. Contrary to what some believe doing the right thing is not weakness its strength. The more you do it the better you get at it. You develop excellence. You can't change what is going to happen but can steer it in direction that allows you to master the problem. Steadfastness is the substance of consistency. Steadfastness allows you an opportunity to develop a strategy that will conquer the issue and a plan of action to move you past it. If you stay diligent in your pursuit of a better life and understand that your task needs consistent effort, tenacity and focus you will see the improvements and understand that your consistency has everything to do with.

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