
Self-Test: Are You on the Right Track? How Do You Know You Are Thinking the Right Thoughts?

You are what you think. Every time you have a thought, your brain and your gut make a chemical (called neuropeptide). This chemical is released into the blood stream and makes you feel a certain way. If you have a happy thought, you make happy chemicals (such as endorphins). These happy chemicals go into your blood and you feel good. If you have an angry thought, you make an angry chemical, which, once in the blood stream, makes you feel angry. So your brain and your gut are like a pharmacy dispensing drugs according to your thoughts. These drugs not only determine how you are feeling emotionally but also how your body performs physiologically.

Thus, it's been scientifically proven that your immune system is much stronger after you have watched a comedy, and weakens significantly after you have seen the news. Similarly, a body that displays the so called multi-personality disorder (i.e. a single body that hosts many personalities) can have cancer or not depending on which personality takes over.

You are what you think! Think right and your body will be right. Think wrong and your body will suffer.

So how do you know whether your thinking is on the right track? That's easy! Check with how you are feeling. If you are feeling happy, then your thinking is on the right track. If you feel stressed, depressed, tired, wired, jealous, angry and hard-done by, then there is something wrong with your thinking and you would be wise to change it, asap.

For instance, someone "insulted" you. You may be thinking: "No one has the right to do that. It is not fair. I have every right to be angry because they are wrong and I am right." Think again! Do you want to be right or do you want to be smart? Check with your body. How are you feeling? Are you feeling happy? Or are feeling like a victim, angry, pushed, defeated, and offended? If you are less than happy, no offense but your thinking is wrong. You can't send everyone else to a psychiatrist so you can feel better. You have to change your own thinking if you want to change how you are feeling. There is no other road to health and happiness.

To change your thinking, whenever you catch yourself and become aware of your own unhappiness, assume straight away that your thinking is wrong. Don't spend even one miserable second justifying yourself or rationalizing how you are right and someone else is not. Assume exactly the opposite - you must be thinking wrong (for if you weren't, you would be feeling great!). You are wrong because you took something personal when it actually is not. Nothing is personal. So don't make anything personal. De-personalize the comment, the situation or whatever it is you are triggered by. Strip off any meaning that you put into it. Nothing means anything. Meanings don't exist and they are not inherent to people, things, situations, etc. Your unpleasant situation does not mean anything at all. And even if it did mean something, it wouldn't mean what you think it means. So don't bother attaching any meaning to it. Don't take it personal. Let it go standing in gratitude, love and forgiveness. By doing this, you are not doing a favor to the person that "offended" you. You are doing a favor to yourself. Forgiving means putting yourself first and loving yourself. Because when you forgive, you stop drinking the poison and start living a healthy and happy life.

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