
Why Uncluttering Your Space Will Declutter Your Mind

Environmental Exposure is one of the most powerful influence tactics.

If you want to be wealthy and successful, surround yourself with millionaires, high achievers and A-players.

If you want a better body, surround yourself with fitness buddies and health geeks.

If you want more motivation and drive, surround yourself with like-minded warriors who raise your standards.

However, if you want to be more productive, you need to de-clutter your surroundings so that you are not constantly overwhelmed by unnecessary or disempowering subliminal messages that prime you into failures.

Here's the thing, an uncluttered physical space will also un-clutter your mental well-being.

When you open your mind, your thoughts and ideas will flow more smoothly. That's why keeping your environment clutter free will lead you to be more productive.

It's not easy for most people to un-clutter their lives though.

We have been conditioned by Hollywood fantasies, TV commercials, celebrity ideologies that we need to buy this gadget and buy that stuff in order to "be happy".

We have been unethically trained for so long that we now develop psychological blocks about throwing unnecessary things away or getting rid of junks.

This possession pandemic becomes so prevalent that some people can't live without stuffing their homes with more "trashes".

Of course, theses hoarders probably need to seek some therapy to help them through it. But for most people, this is extreme and unnecessary.

Whatever it takes to keep your environment clutter-free, it will be worth it.

When was the last time you were looking for a physical document, either on your desk or in a filing cabinet?

If you weren't able to easily find it, this already means your environment is cluttered.

When you don't create a system that helps you quickly retrieve items, you are going to spend unnecessary time looking for them and this drastically kills your productivity.

It's not just physical documents that get cluttered. Your digital documents in your computer may not have any rhyme or reason as to where they are stored.

This can be as distracting as looking for physical files because nowadays we tend to deal more with digital documents. It will build more stress in your mind especially when it takes ages to retrieve your urgent and important docs.

While there is a plethora of apps or software that can help you keep your digital filing in order, Evernote is a great program for you to organize electronic documents.

When you make a conscious effort to de-clutter your environment, you will also reduce your stress levels so you get things done much faster.

Time is more valuable than money and money is just a freedom paper.

It's time to clean up your environment, get rid of the non-essentials that are robbing your energy and attention, and start living an uncluttered life filled with love, joy and true abundance.

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