
This I Believe: Open Mindedness Is The Way, Closed Minded Thinking Is Not

In this life, there is more to all of this than meets the eyes. Thought, prayer, and actions are not an exception. Let me put it this way, if there was less to reality than meets the eyes, we would still be in trees grooming each others hair and eating raw meat, not, getting ever more and more interesting technologies.

The open mind is the way to go, everything else is just below the open mind just waiting to be made obsolete. What can be conceived and believed can be achieved, all we have to do is light the way beyond the closed mind. Sounds simple enough, until someone whispers or screams "impossible!"

Impossible is a word that says to everything around it "finished, I have found all of the limitations to this." I know that is not reality, because science fiction in yesteryear is coming real today in rational ways. For example, what is a Star Trek communicator device but a cell phone? Or this one: What are three dimensional material printers when they manufacture things? Anyhow, nothing is really or rationally impossible except if we declare it so too strongly. The possible is simply something to grow on to the next level with, not the limit.

I am a strong believer in the genuinely open mind that is open to infinite possibility, and realities beyond the normal. Normal now, when you really think about it, is obsolete later. Reality is fluid possibility then, is it not? It is not a fixed normality that does not change.

So, to "up the pace" of this article, I want to say that thought controls and attracts that upon which it is directed, all possibilities and "impossible" things included. What I mean by that is that even thoughts and ideas have a basis in reality if they can be conceived. I bet the Catholic Church secretly still does not like Galileo Galilei or Nicholas Copernicus too much either because of that reality of ideas, and genuine new realities proved by them through the centuries of evolving reality. But all normality now started as a "strangely new" idea then. That is also my point in this article. Better ideas are the ultimate affirmation of the open mind, staying put with the normal and known are the pet ideas of the closed mind. All we have to do is step beyond the boundaries and there we are in the new and untried, and sometimes better.,-Closed-Minded-Thinking-Is-Not&id=9038026

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