
Message From the Universe: What Is Behind the Big Black Hole in Our Universe?

"Remember the joy you used to feel when you'd find a quarter in the street?

And how exciting it was when you got older and found a crumpled $20 bill in the pocket of a pair of jeans you hadn't worn in months?

Well, brace yourself, because the day isn't far off when in-between taking naps, swimming laps, or doing the routine happy dance, you'll be busy gathering documents for your tax return accountant and suddenly find a statement to a bank account you don't even remember opening, with more than enough money in it to do whatever your heart now longs to do, probably twice.

You do trip us out.

Sure enough, 
The Universe"

This is how you should feel everyday of your life, when anticipating that great things will come your way. It may not be in the form of a bank account that you opened years ago and suddenly accrued enough interest to allow you to get the mansion down the street you always dreamed off. As long as you feel like great things will happen in your life and believe that you worked very hard to make all this happen, the Universe will start listening and paying attention to what you do, how you behave or act, how you treat people, how you help others so that it can render the results you expect the most.It may be hard for you to believe the HOW it will happen, or the WHEN. This is NOT your responsibility as the Universe is capable of doing that without even blinking. The supernatural force we have up there is just like that, SUPERNATURAL. However, that force is a creation of your own mind, you own desires and dreams, rendering reality based on your thoughts and actions.

I agree that all of what you are reading at this moment may seem far fetch, but until you start believing that all of what you see around you is a part of a creation that all started from this ONE point of singularity to eventfully create the world we see today. Without going too far in the theory of general relativity or quantum mechanics, we need to figure out how it all started with the big bang. If nothing was there, who had the thought to create what we see today. Obviously, all this can only be a theory as we can't see that far out after the 13.1 billion of years but it is possible that if what we see today started from that one point in space, that single pea size energy bubble that exploded, we can also assume that before the big bang, we had a big crunch, OR that on the other side of a big black hole, there is another Universe waiting to be created after another Big Bang, hopefully not happening around our solar system or galaxy. As no one was ever able to survive going pass the event horizon and live to tell the tale, we may just assume what happens if anyone or anything crosses the event horizon (sphagettification can occur after you pass the event horizon). Let's keep it all to just theory, how about that?

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