
How You THINK, You Are

While some people possess certain skills, abilities, attributes, and an aptitude, which might be beneficial, and give them, a, so - called, leg - up, on the rest of us, in the vast number of instances, and situations, it's our quality of thinking, which creates, either, a positive, can - do, attitude, or an abundance of weakness, and self - doubt. Those, with self - confidence, and a positive, self - image, generally, start off, with a significant advantage, over those who think, they can't. While your thinking, and thought - processes, are significant, the most essential component, is when one begins with the concept and idea, he will be successful, and begins to behave and act, as a success, does, his potential is exponentially, enhanced! As the adage goes, As you THINK, you are! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, review, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this concept is one of the most important, to one's ability to perform, to his potential.

1. Trust; temptation; timely; traction; thoughts: Our thoughts, often, control our actions, and thus, our performance. The more, we trust ourselves, the less likely, one is, to let the temptation, to accept, a short - cut, rather than the best approach. While most procrastinate, because of lack of, optimum, self - confidence, etc, the most successful individuals, proceed, with well - considered, timely action, When one refuses to remain within the limitations of his personal, comfort zone, and expands it, and proceeds, proactively, he begins to gain the necessary traction, to become the best, he can be!

2. Head/ heart; hear: When you have those, intimate, self - conversations, what do you tell yourself, and, precisely, what do you hear, and why? Will you be able to effectively utilize your emotional and logical components, with a head/ heart balance?

3. Inspire; imagine; image; ideas; integrity: While many claim to, few actually, proceed, with the utmost degree of personal integrity! WIll your thoughts inspire you, or be a hindrance? What image do you visualize, and what do you imagine, you can achieve? WIll you use these qualities, to perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, quality actions, based on your ideas?

4. Needs; never: Will you commit, to, never - say - never? Will you identify, and prioritize, your personal goals, and address your needs, in a proactive manner?

5. Knowledge; know: Are you focused - enough, to make knowledge, your friend and ally, so you know, your options and alternatives, and proceed, with the finest judgment, and hopefully, wisdom?

How you THINK, you are! What do you think?,-You-Are&id=9913352

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