
For Personal Transformation And Finding Direction In Life Consider Going To The Theater More Often

A good movie needs to have the power to influence on your objectives and goals.

Do you want to find ways for a better world in your heart and transform your life?

I mean finding hope for a better future through the characters it brings to life.

The show at a theater can be a meaningful and abundant experience when you're up against no direction in life, and can lend hope for a better future.

The Course in Miracles teaches that, "Real freedom depends on welcoming reality... "

If you enjoy the movies, you can use it as your inspirational force by responding to these questions:

- How did this movie motivate you to pursue overcoming the feeling of no direction in life?

- Exactly what did the characters teach you about success and exactly what action will you take to follow their examples?

- Exactly what did the characters teach you about mistakes and exactly what negative wrong-minded actions will overcome to achieve your purpose in life?

- Does this motion picture stir in you powerful emotions and help you answer to what is my purpose in life?

In enjoying a film, it's safe to feel emotions you typically conceal in reality, from unhappiness and pain to joy and bliss.

Life has lots of feelings. It's not a story about real life, however, a lifeless illustration in motion can stir effective emotions in you.

To make the most out of a good film's capability

Stir powerful emotions on ways for a life of purpose, by responding to these concerns:

- What powerful feelings did this film bring or stir to the surface in you?

- How have you been managing those feelings in reality (such as preventing, suppressing, or letting out of control) and what outcomes are you getting?

- Can you make any improvements in the way you are managing those sensations?

- Does this motion picture show you ways to deal with the unknown and get beyond felling of no direction in life?

Like a great mentor or coach, a great motion picture needs to have lessons that prepare you and instill hope for a better future and caution you about the risks and rewards of your purpose in life.

The characters need to be honest examples of genuine people and their methods of dealing with life's curveballs needing to teach meaningful lessons for your life.

To make the most out of those lessons

For ways for a better life, address these questions:

- What did this character (or characters) do to face that unanticipated obstacle?

- What happened as an outcome?

- What am I learning from the example of this character (or characters) that I must utilize (or avoid) in my own life, when I face comparable life challenges?

Put more music in your life if it's the music.

Choose an area of your life that lacks action and do something about it if it's the action series.

One Author who I admire talked about the Wizard of Oz, where the Good Witch of the North told Dorothy she had it in her all along to return to Kansas.

I'll add to that, where I see the melting of the Wicked Witch of the West in her dark castle as how we fear when the ego in us fades away.

The Course in Miracles states, "The children of light cannot abide in darkness, for darkness is not in them."

Ways to Apply the above Criteria

Get together with a few loved friends or ones who like the theater.

Pick a motion picture and watch intensely using the three requirements above. Remember the questions noted within each criterion.

If you want to begin finding happiness and have more hope for a better future, and you likewise love films, feel good about making an effort to give their lessons a chance to lend you help for personal transformation.

An excellent movie or show usually has the power to inspire you for changing your life for the better, through the characters resembling poetic parallels to your life.

Hey, here's to the movies for inspiring a better life!

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