
Are You Doing Great in Life? If Not, Read This (By Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD )

Because you are reading this article, you are moving towards your ultimate goals and life's purpose. Something 96% of people struggle to do.

Congratulations! You're on a good path-keep reading, you will be glad you did.

Because I truly want you to win, I want you to know every time you buy a personal development product... a book... or a coaching session, you are making a bet on yourself and your ability to live your dreams.

My win/win goal is to help your bet pay off.

Simple... and it is easier than you think!!

The sad truth is, many people (by definition) fail to bet any better than 'average.'

Approximately half the people on the planet are chronically below average-i.e. below average income, average debt of $15,000, average relationships and mediocre life satisfaction and health.

Average is mundane and discouraging. And then, people are desperate and compelled to take anti-depressants to cope.

It's one of the reasons I dedicated my life to live an exceptional life and to help others do the same. No one aspires to spend their life feeling average-no one.

I know you desire to feel Amazing, Strong, Capable, and Fulfilled.

I am here only to be truly helpful. I know you can earn and deserve the respect of many and live the life you desire.

You can live life as a high-energy, in-your-face statement of what's possible for humanity.

And you know what?

Negative thoughts creep into your mind without you even realizing it. Why because nearly everyone around you are verbalizing negative thoughts and as the cliché goes, 'monkey hear, monkey do.'

Even in the throes of incredible success negative thoughts pop up. Here are some of the negative thoughts I hear people saying.

· "I'm too old to make an impact."

· "I can't create anything at my age."

· "I am so far behind where I could be-I couldn't catch up."

· "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer."

· "I've done my best, and still can't get ahead."

· "This is just my lot in life."

· "It's God's will."

· "If I was supposed to have a better life, God would have given it to me."

Yes, even people who have it all-have negative thoughts.

Do you know what they do next?

He/she rejects the negative thoughts from their head like a CD with a scratch on it.

It's not a violent process when people who have it all have a negative thought. Instead it's a gentle "No thanks-not in my life."

Your subconscious mind is your greatest defense against invading limiting beliefs. Your subconscious mind holds all memory about all experiences, all truth and all answers to all your needs and questions. The conscious mind (ego) or unconscious mind is the source of those nasty beliefs that you have held onto for a long time.

As we have come to know, "We are our own worst enemy."

It really matters, that you know your subconscious mind is on your side.

Therefore, when you're about to ask for a raise... sitting outside your boss's office if you feel nervous, then you bet it'll matter whether your subconscious mind is at the meeting.

When you're about to take a chance and launch a business... and your past failure floods your mind with fear... you bet it will matter that your subconscious mind holds all answers to all your questions and concerns!

And if your car breaks down, your plumbing fails, or if there are circumstances beyond your control you need to allow your subconscious mind to give you direction. Or else you're in for a stressful ride! And I know you have had a few stressful rides, and you know people who have stressful rides.

You may have heard that life is 10% what transpires and 90% how you react or respond to it.

Well... when something goes awry, you don't have the time to consciously choose how to react or respond-you need to have a close and personal relationship with your subconscious mind to allow your subconscious mind to take over.

Your subconscious mind is connected to the universal knowledge and can react automatically with precision. Notably, you have heard many instances when people have experienced something that on the face of it, they would be dead. In that instance, it is considered a miracle. The truth is, the person's subconscious mind automatically directed the outcome.

The worse the situation is, the more your pre-conditioned responses take over, which may not be the best course of action or your subconscious mind, automatically takes over and the outcome is the best possible scenario.

So... how do you want your subconscious mind to be on duty 24/7?

What do you want to create for yourself?

If you have one or more unconscious beliefs, emotional or mental blocks, negative patterns or a frustration you can't quite place... then you need to clear the blocks and become the master of your mind-quieting the ego and unconscious mind and allowing the subconscious mind to be in the driver's seat.

When you are the master of your mind you will quickly find that you have a refuge or victim inside.

You can learn to install an ever-vigilant mental bodyguard to protect against negativity.

And you'll rest easier as you remember that your subconscious mind is in control. And you will feel totally safe. Totally secure.

Are you ready to recapture that mental power starting now?

If you are, let me be your best expert on the planet to install healthy new perspectives in your mind.

You owe yourself a chance to discover the latest, most reliable strategies for taking control of your inner voice, the inner voice that heretofore, has been blocked by the ego (conscious) and unconscious indoctrinations and conditioning.

This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life.

Are you willing to take the action required to claim your happiness, success, fulfillment, and enlightenment? Will you take advantage of the opportunity to create a new reality for your life?

It's time to SHIFT and get prepared for what's coming up for your life... so I want you to put your heart and soul into paying close attention to how much mental, emotional and physical pain you are in. Then, step by step you can make the SHIFT gently, easily, and without having to deal with the mental and emotional pain and stress of not knowing what to do, not feeling your best, and all the other OLD WAYS that are holding you back.

Remember you might need to ask for assistance.

Here's to living your best life NOW.

There is no shame in asking for assistance to create happiness and success. If you have read the books, taken workshops, had psychic readings, taken prescriptions and OTC drugs etc. and still struggle; you might have emotional blocks preventing you from moving into your happiness and desires.

This is an investment in your health, happiness, success, fulfillment, and enlightenment. Following the principles in this process will change your life forever and I want you to experience it yourself as soon as possible. Remember only you can take care of your happiness and emotional, physical and spiritual health.

I offer a 20-minute FREE no-obligation phone conversation to answer your questions and discuss how you can discover and create personal and professional success. And you will receive value in the 20-minute conversation.

You are worth it. You deserve to create your happiness, dreams, and desired success. What are you waiting for? You deserve to have someone to take you by the hand and walk you through the maze of unknowns, or to guide you through the obstacles and twists and turns. This is your opportunity to create the dreams you desire. P.S. If you've ever worried that you're missing out because you can't afford specific assistance for you, then this is for you.

You'll quickly find new financial opportunities as you gain control of your inner money story.

Then you'll be able to invest that money into furthering your growth even more.

How nice would it feel to not have to worry about money?

Bet on YOURSELF today.

Remember, the odds are stacked in your favor.,-Read-This&id=9452700

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