
Reasons Why People Don't Accomplish Their Goals

The number 1 reason why people don't achieve their goals is not writing down their goals. Do you know that if goals are not written down they remain to be dreams? Yes, they become something that you wish for. For you to be able to accomplish your dreams, you need to write them down.

Something extraordinary happens when you write down your aspirations on a piece of paper; you begin to believe that you can achieve them. So the first step is for you to take a piece of paper and write down what you want out of life.

The other reason is setting vague goals. Vague goals produce vague results. You need to provide clarity on why you want to achieve the goal in the first place. An example of a vague goal is losing weight. This is not a goal because it does not provide clarity. A goal should follow the S.M.A.R.T formula.

S- Specific; Your goals need to be specific.

M- Measurable

A-Achievable; you need to be able to achieve the goals that you set

R- Realistic; Do not set unrealistic goals because you will lose the motivation before you get to the finish line.

T- Time-bound; it is important for you to give your goals a timeline.

For example; I want to lose 10 pounds by March 2017.

Be clear as possible when you are writing your goals. It is also recommended for you to attach a reason why you want to achieve the goal. Why do you want to lose weight? When you attach a reason, you will be motivated to accomplish the goal.

One great way of setting goals is attaching a positive and a negative result with the goal. That means you need to know what you stand to gain when you accomplish your goal and what you stand to lose when you don't. Knowing the results will help you to settle for nothing less than what you want.

Procrastination is the other reason why people don't achieve their goals. Tomorrow is the only day that appeals to a lazy man. If you can do it today, just do it. You will have more time to go after your goals if you do what needs to be done.

Not having a daily routine is another reason. You can't achieve much if you don't know what to do with your time. It is important to have a routine.

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