
Only One Way to Go UP!

What do you do when you think that there is nothing you can do? I watched a television show recently and in that show, one of the stars seemed hopeless, so hopeless, he felt so alone. The show was excellent, but the message was kind of down.

And so, this leads me to write this article about hope and about the difference that hope makes in a life.

What if the guy had hope? What if he had a rule for his life that he refused to give up? What would happen if he, when feeling defeated, decided that was the right time to begin anew?

What if at that time when he thought there was nothing left to do, nothing to gain and nowhere to go, what if at that exact time, someone whispered in his ear that since he had nothing to lose he had everything to gain?

That's the point. When you are down and out and when you have nothing to lose that is the best and most awesome time to remember that you have everything in the world to gain. You have nowhere to go but UP! And that reminds me of a song called, "UP". The singer is Shania Twain.

That is one of the coolest songs going and it has one of the best messages you can give someone. So, feeling a little better yet? If not go and get a book and start reading. Find your most inspirational book and keep on reading until you can't read anymore.

So what do you do if you are not into reading, yet you still want to get up? Where do you go if you are feeling hopeless and you still need some help getting over that feeling? Have you ever considered camping, the wilderness, or backpacking with a friend or co-worker? Have you ever considered taking a small vacation, to a place nearby. Finding a park or recreation center is easy now that you have the net available to you. Do a search for "staycations" or do a search for "work weekends".

If nothing pulls you out of the funk you are in, you might think it's time to consult a professional. But really shop around for someone you trust. When seeing a professional --if you get "red flags" --listen to them. If ever something feels wrong or if ever you know that something is wrong but you can't put your finger on it, take a break from that person or thing or place. (Do only that which is safe for you to do and you can't go wrong).

Remember-- "UP" the song by Shania Twain is an awesome way to sing your troubles away.

August 3, 2014

And besides the fact that there is nowhere to go but UP... if you are a person of faith, you know for sure that you always have hope. Here's hoping today is a much better day for you, and the next and the next. Keep on keeping on!!&id=8653888

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