
Message From the Universe: There Is Always Another Beginning!

"All that you must do, you've already done.

Let everything else be what you want to do.

That's what I want,
The Universe"

Just like all farmers out there, you need to plant seeds before you can benefit from the crop. Every step you take today, at this moment, will have positive effect in the future. If you just stand still, and not doing anything, in a year from now, you will look back and live life with regret, wondering why didn't you start then. So here, I am giving you that opportunity to look into the future to revert back into your immediate past. Without the use of the Delorean from Back to the Future, you are using existing experiences to put into action what you were meant to do in this world. Sometimes, a rude awakening is needed to bring you back to a place you weren't meant to leave, a path that you need to stay on to ultimately reach your life's goals. It is ONLY you who can determine the best path to take in your life and make sure not to stay on it. I am not saying that you wouldn't face challenges, obstacles, hurdles, disappointments while on that path, but it will be up to you to choose if it is the optimal option for your well being. It is hard to guess, I admit, since we can't really read or predict the future. Even though you may have a good sense of the best path to take, there are good chances that you may have to take a few wrong turns to eventually reach your destination. During these wrong turns, you may come to a point of wanting to abandon the journey, wonder if the choices you took were the best ones and start second guess yourself from that point forward.

There is NO shame is starting over, or going back to the beginning and looking into a distant and uncertain future to select another path. It might be difficult to do this at a later age in your life but just remember that you will never make the same mistakes again. So the time you took originally to reach a certain point in your life wouldn't take the same amount of years reaching again that same exact time where you failed and move on from that point forward. Everything will be on warp speed. If you can all remember the movie with Tom Cruise, "The Edge of Tomorrow", where every time he got killed, he woke up and started at the same exact point where he was dumped in the beginning of the movie. By going through the same journey all over again, he anticipated actions from the alien enemies and was able to deter death as much as possible. He failed, of course, but he eventually succeeded when he woke up at the end and it was the end of war with the aliens. The writers and director and the movie had somehow an awakening when coming up with a script like that. Was there a message behind this movie? Even though the physical body does expire, consciousness always remains. Was this movie trying to tell us something? Was the underlying message trying to connect with our subconscious mind? The answers are up to you.!&id=9495544

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