
Learn The Best Way To Be Happy And How To Do Better Through Increased Self-Worth

I'm calling you out and issuing a life changing challenge. Unravel and unwind! Yes, it's not anything quite that remarkable or complicated.

Here's what I'm thinking...

The thought occurred to me which turned into an idea how much better the whole world would be if I, in my own ways, was able to begin living with increased self-worth, and by turns get 10 others to focus on themselves and do the same.

There are reasons and examples all around us so that those people with any understanding at all need to be able to recognize we have got to do better.

We need to do better at getting in relating with one another through genuine connection.

The Course in Miracles states, "When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself."

When another human fails to reach their full potential or gets drawn into one of life's numerous black holes, our interconnectedness makes and weakens humanity more separated.

All of us know it is.

We think to ourselves, "How may I make my life better?"

You can do better and live with increased self-worth by understanding that we are more whole and alike than we are different and separated.

We all want to live a happy life. Doesn't it just make good sense then that we should be helping one another more as a way to live a happy life and moving on individually?

The Course in Miracles teaches us that, "This is perfect creation by the perfectly created, in union with the Perfect Creator."

Having increased self-worth is in recognizing that we are all interconnected.

To do better is recognizing that those few zones where we do vary is due to cause and effect working to bring us closer together and lead us to increased self-worth and wholeness.

My being able to listen to and share your experiences with you and vice versa is a favorable.

Wouldn't you agree?

To do better is taking the time to comprehend the point of view of the individual you feel you have conflict with. Why do they feel that way about the point in question?

Feel it with them.

We have actually got to do better. If we don't who's going to?

And so the underlying difficulty is this:

Do better. Be much better, and live a happy life.

Look to be open and honest with those you are presented an opportunity to get better acquainted.

Discover what you may be able to do to help them get to where they want to be, then help them get there. That would be doing much better.

Life is about connection. Focus on connection and better relationships.

To your increased self-worth!

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