
Soul Searching To Real Success

You must search your own soul for a good reason to achieve what you want, nobody can do it for you. You must be committed to life for yourself. There is nothing more or nothing less than a commitment level that separates those who are successful in searching their souls and those who are not. What do you want? Yes, I asked the question, what do you want? Do not fear the question, answer it.

The best thing in life is to face what you need to face and genuinely want to face to become the master mind you want to be. What I mean by "genuinely want to face" is not how it sounds at all. It is more like doing the hard instead of the easy to achieve what you genuinely want and need. Look, the most foolish thing we can all do is not know, not achieve or even try to achieve what someone else wants because it "looks better" than our own goals. We must have the courage to search our souls and make a genuine decision to achieve what we want even if "the grass seems better on the other side". So, I ask again, what do you want? If you can answer that question without any of what I talked about preferring the "greener grass on the other side", you are not only genuinely fortunate, you are genuinely wise. For the genuine life is grits, sweat and work on your own behalf to achieve your genuine goals even if there is seemingly not any immediate reward like those who got what they wanted dishonestly (as in dodging their own genuine work, and getting it the "easy way" without doing the essence work that goes with genuinely achieving a goal) and "quickly" seem to have.

So, I remember what my own Dad used to say about that: He used to say "I do not play" and "there are not any shortcuts". I know exactly what he meant. Taking the easy "meal ticket" is not a way to go in any way, especially when searching your soul for a genuine motivation and purpose to live. To be the best is not to take the easy meal ticket, to be the best is to win at a very deep level that personally counts. That is successful soul searching.

There is not any failure where it is all genuine.

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