
It Will Always Be About Me

The title of the article suggests conceit greed and selfishness. The title though true, has unseen substance that substantiates that it is about your self. There is a deeper meaning to the statement. You are what you are made of. You are nothing less and potentially much more. In order to accomplish something you never thought was possible you have to do things you never thought were possible. Effort will always equal results. The more effort the better the results. You are who you become. God has always wanted the best for us but we were given freewill to choose as we wish. There will always be obstacles to impede your progress. They are only obstacles because we allow them to be. If you allow obstacles to reign over you they will. When we become selfish enough to care for ourselves and love ourselves we decimate the obstacles. God has always loved us so we should do the same. Without care and concern for self the idea of caring for others can be compromised. To be made in the image of God denotes the beginning of caring for self. No other creature was considered. The creator of life itself chose to create mankind in his image.

Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them. Male and female he created them. The entire human race is based on being made in his image. We were designed to succeed. We are designed to magnify the glory of being made in his image. Because of freewill the choices we make are not always to our best advantage. If we became more selfish with our thoughts and perspectives as to what our future holds, we will make better choices. With consistent and better choices comes more success. Success will bring about a thirst for more of the same. It can become contagious. It can only start when you develop a love for self. A diamond is formed from tons of mud. That mud is deep within the earth and is of no value. It does not grow grass and will never be walked upon. With immense pressure and the right conditions it develops into a stone that is indestructible. The value of that mud is measured by the character it developed into. It develops into a true and rare stone a diamond. Each diamond is unique and no two will ever be the same.

Just like a diamond immense pressures and the right conditions develop the rarest individuals and no two will ever be the same. Steel will always sharpen steel. You will always be measured by yourself and others by the effort you apply. When the accumulation of wealth is a byproduct of your efforts you gain conviction. Self worth will always topple any other measurement of success. 
Believe who you are, perceive who you are, be who you are and then you will be what you were meant to be. It is a line of direction that offers fail proof alternatives. Remember it will always be about you.

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