
How Magical The Law Of Attraction Really Is

When people speak of miracles or magical wonders being performed in life, it could be that the Law of Attraction (LOA) was used.

After all, it is what many believe to be the natural force that gives people what they desire. This is not to say that miracles don't exist in the spiritual realm. But sometimes, things are really outside the capacity of our human understanding so it's hard to judge which one is right or not. The people performing miracles could be using the LOA under the guidance of that spiritual realm, even if they don't realize the connection.

The question becomes, are events such as an exponential increase in one's fame, fortune or abundance should be considered as miracles?

It could be to the people who are experiencing such amazing events, especially if they were struggling previously. But why should others care if you became rich using these techniques? Unless you use the money to help them in some way, they won't see it as any kind of miracle.

Assuming the LOA is really in effect, what happens to people who exploit this power increase their wealth using improper means? The likely result is they won't stay happy as they have shifted their focus to "the dark side" of the LOA.

Yes, it is very much like the concept of the Force, in the Star Wars movies. George Lucas, who claims to be a Buddhist and a Methodist, loosely based the concept of the force on Buddhist principles. Buddhism largely adheres to the concept of the LOA, although it may be called something else in their inner circles.

When people acquire wealth using the LOA, and they apply the wealth to good use by helping others, this then becomes a miracle for the people in need of that money.

These people are drawn to the person giving. Hopefully, they will use the opportunity as a pay-it-forward situation and help others out when they get the chance. This helps to keep the power of the miracle going on into the future.

Not everyone who receives these so-called miracles will view them as miracles and unfortunately, may do things wrong with the help they receive.

This happens all too often when money is given. It's not always the case, and several people will see the gift for what it is and try to do good with it.

But, you'll get the inevitable few who will abuse it. When this happens, the whole cycle of goodness for the miracle ends with that one person. If only they knew what kind of power they possess when they receive that gift!

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