
How Letting Go Will Make You Totally Free

In the complete freedom from negativity, there lays the ultimate happiness. Once all negativity is let go, there can't be anything else but bless, abundance, happiness, health, love and joy.

Until now, we might have believed that negativity is not a choice.

We might have believed that negativity is a result of circumstances completely out of our control, a result of our surroundings, society, work environment, government, world events, economy, money, or anything else.

We might have even believed that there is nothing we can do about negativity and negative events and that we just must take them as part of life.


Let me repeat it:


The truth is much simpler, but also much more profound:

Any negativity in our life (including lack of manifestation of abundance, toxic relationships and health issues) is simply a result of suppressed negative feelings stored deeply within our body, which have never got the chance to be let go.

That's all it is.

... an unwanted accumulation, which has never got the chance to be let go.

Just think of it:

I think that you would all agree with me on the fact that we all experience unpleasant, emotionally challenging situations every single day, and that we all experience many (daily) situations resulting in anxiety, bad mood, low self-esteem, physical illnesses, or even depression.


Because nobody has ever told us how to handle all these omnipresent emotional challenges.

We don't know what to do about them.

We don't know how to behave.

We don't want to be embarrassed by a socially unacceptable behaviour or reacnegative feelings, tion.

So, we suppress feelings.

And we suppress more.

And more.

And even more.

Until our body is full of negativity, which we are not even aware of, because we have wrongly believed until now, that once any negative feeling is forced and hidden somewhere inside, it doesn't affect us anymore.

But it DOES.

And it does in a big way.

It is a hidden enemy, growing, taking control of our life, and attracting even more negativity, which we tend to wrongly interpret as "bad luck" (once you learn the letting go technique, you will quickly realize that there is not such a thing like bad luck).

So, the question is:


And that is a very good question, indeed.

I have been looking for the answers for many, many years. I have been experimenting with such a huge amount of techniques, principles, meditations, and other stuff, that I wouldn't be even able to name them all.

But, after many years, I have finally found something that completely changed my life.

The truth.

The truth that any negative feeling can be simply experienced and let go.


Yes, it sounds too good to be true.

Sounds like it can't be that easy.


And once you start practising the Letting Go technique yourself, you will very quickly confirm my statement.

And the best thing is: it will cost you nothing.

Everything you need to start with is already here.

So, let's get to work.

Letting go will make you totally free.


Here is the letting go process for being totally free:

1. Any negativity is just a feeling.

2. Any negative feeling is just negative energy stored in your body.

3. Any energy can be released.

4. That means that the stored negative energy in our body can be released too.

5. And once released, it can be consciously let go - once and for ever.

6. Once tons and tons of negative blocks are gradually, deliberately released and let go, they are immediately substituted by positive energy, which is our only natural source. That´s what we all really are; and after certain periods of letting go, we will get the positive energy again.

7. The more negative energy is let go, the more positive energy comes up.

8. The positive energy represents a high vibrational state of mind and body. This high vibrational state of mind and body will start having an immediate positive impact. A HUGE impact.

9. That negative energy attracts more negative energy and positive energy attracts more positive energy, MUCH more positive energy - a HUGE amount of positive events.

10. Therefore, while you keep letting go of negativity, you start experiencing more positivity expressed through joy, abundance, attraction towards positive events, better relationships, love, more opportunities in your life and work, better health, more happiness.

And that's really all it is!

You can start even today, now, right at this moment.

All you need to do is to make the decision and take action.

It costs you nothing; yet it can change your life completely.

I know that for sure.

Because, without letting go, I would have never been able to start this movement and provide these amazing, limitless tools to the rest of the world.

Take it, use it, get the most of it, and mainly: smile, laugh, and start enjoying your life fully once and for all.

It is your full right.

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