
How to Write Your Own Daily Affirmations (By Rosina S Khan)

Affirmations help you in that they allow you to stay positive and retain the positivity throughout the day. When do you use affirmations? You can make your own on a daily basis. How do you do that? Read on to find out.

For instance, you wake up one morning to find out that one of your kids has fallen off from her bed and broken her hand. A day that starts like this is certainly set for cloud and gloominess. But you write an affirmation sometime in the middle of the day in your lovely journal and feel better and more focused on positivity. Here it is:

My children are always well taken care of and I pray for their highest good.

What if it is a rainy day all day long one day?

You cannot go outside in the rain to the nearest supermarket and drip in rain. So you write an affirmation as follows in your journal and feel good for the rest of the day:

Today is a rainy day. So I like to cuddle with my family indoors and spend quality time with them.

You are hard at work, having a very busy schedule. But your colleagues urge you to join a treat in a nearby restaurant. You cannot let them down. So before leaving for that treat, you quickly write down an affirmation for your good as follows:

A lot of work has to be done. Yet I manage to take time out with my colleagues. It distracts me for a while and does me a world of good.

It's a summer day. All your children are dressed in white shorts and T-shirts. You and your hubby are dressed in summer clothes as well. Before you leave for Disneyland as you planned, you quickly drop down an affirmation in your journal as follows:

Today I feel happy to be with my family all set to go to Disneyland. I feel strongly that my hubby and the children are sure to have loads of fun.

Someone close to you in the family passed away at a young age. You feel so upset and teary at the thought. In order to control yourself, you write the following affirmation:

I cease to take life for granted. Yet while I am alive on this mighty planet, I make the best of everything.

It's one of your older friend's fiftieth birthday. You want to gift her something appropriate on the occasion but you have no idea what that would be. You think of a variety of possibilities and yet you cannot settle on anything. So you write an affirmation in your journal:

Dear God, I sincerely hope I can find the proper gift for Alice's birthday which comes to good use for her as well as make her happy.

Summing up, come to think of it, writing affirmations is not that much of a challenge. Think of the situation you are in and leverage it towards a positive thought and write it down. Yes, it can be that simple and easy breezy. The more you write them down and practice on a daily basis, the better expert you become in figuring out daily affirmations.

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