
How To Use Scripts To Reinforce Visualization

Most humans are visual beings. We constantly visualize images in our brains. We have an inner voice that keeps talking to ourselves as well. But even when we love to chat with ourselves, we are likely translating those words into mental pictures.

So it is not too surprising to understand that visualization is a strong concept in the toolbox of the Law of Attraction. But, with all the thousands of images that we have in our brain daily, how do we focus on visualizations that will help us?

We can use scripts.

These scripts will allow us to hone in on the correct visualizations. When done right, they can set ourselves up to think properly as well as filtering out negative thoughts. When looked upon in this way, the more positive images you can imagine, the less room there is for negative ones. After all, we all can only focus on one single time at any given moment.

Visualization is a part of the Law of Attraction. It requires concentration to make sure you have the right images placed in your mind. That's why using a script can be a tremendous help in accomplishing this.

So where do you find the proper scripts to use for your visualizations?

One good resource can be found in Amazon online. It's a book called <33 Guided Visualization Scripts to Create the Life of Your Dreams> by Louise Stapely.

The three main sections - Wealth, Health and Love - are covered within the book, each with several subsections. The book also mentions techniques to relax the mind with decent coverage on how to meditate. While meditation is not essential to make visualizations work, it can get you there faster as it relaxes the mind.

Keeping stress to a minimum is crucial when trying to place the proper mental images in your mind.

You simply cannot think straight if you have too many things going on in your life. Therefore, make sure you learn the techniques on how to reduce stress. There are plenty of available resources online to help. Amazon is a good starting point. Doing simple meditation in addition to your visualization is a bonus.

Scripts are effective because they help paint the mental image for you.

It's almost as a director on the set of a movie. He or she is responsible for making sure the actors and the set give the right kind of mental image. The actors are responsible for delivering the right inflections, lines, facial expressions and emotions that are convincing. In the same way, a script can help you get the proper image to engage your mind so it's easier for you to activate this power of visualization

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