
Activating Your Gratitude For More Energy

Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Is it energizing? It is rewarding in many ways, ways you'll be glad to experience.

Wayne Dyer taught me a powerful lesson - after he died. He taught me about starting my day with gratitude in a way I'd never done before. It was much simpler than other approaches I'd practiced before. Consequently, it was more satisfying and energizing.

First, practicing gratitude opens you to more joy. When you appreciate all the big and little things in your life, you find there are more things to appreciate. Everyone receives many gifts through the day --- every day. If you are practicing your attitude of gratitude you see them. Seeing the bounty of good in your life lifts your energy. Seeing those gifts helps support you during times it doesn't feel you are getting good things in your life.

When you live with your head down, grumbling about all that's wrong in your life you are miserable, you miss the gifts, and your energy is in the pits. That's not a good way to live. And you aren't someone others want to be around either, adding to your misery. Ooh, what a sad downward spiral that is!

When your life is full of criticism of the things and people in your life you cast your dark shadow all around you. Most people tend to avoid critical and sour people. How are your friendships and work associations going for you lately?

Here's the tip I took to heart: as you wake up each morning, and put your feet on the floor, give thanks. Give thanks three times. Then start your day. There is always something to be thankful for, especially first thing in the morning, and your day will start better when you think of three things and express that gratitude.

One twist I've added to that gratitude start is to stretch before getting up and putting my feet on the floor. That stretch, learned from my cats, wakes your body up so you feel truly alive! That stretch loosens your muscles and gets your blood flowing. I'm grateful for that feeling - every day.

It doesn't take much time. It's powerful. It's uplifting. It's energizing, especially in combination with the cat stretch. Try this every morning for a week, then a month, and see how it changes your life.

Have you exercised your attitude of gratitude today?

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