
What If It Goes Right?

Why not play the "What If" game for your benefit instead of your detriment?

How many of us ask: -

"What if it goes wrong? What if I don't get the job? What if she/he/they say no?"

Let's just take this simple concept and turn it on its head.

Most of us use the power of creation and attraction to make our lives appear random and powerless.

In reality we are vibrating at certain frequencies and sending out these electromagnetic signals into our physical world.

These signals will only ever vibrate with similar frequencies... you will NEVER see red in the rainbow next to violet, because they vibrate at opposite ends of the colour spectrum.

In order to experience anything in your life, you will first have to BE the frequency at which your experiences vibrate.

So any lack or limitation that you perceive in your life is only in your experience because that is where you are vibrating. You ARE the frequency at which lack and limitation manifest and therefore that is what you project out into your world.

Playing the "what if" game can change your frequencies without you being sceptical of your positive affirmations. We have been taught to say things like: -

"I am healthy, wealthy, strong and powerful"!

This could get your conscious mind up in arms and resisting your affirmation, because you can clearly see that this is NOT the case in your experience.

So let's change that slightly to: -

"What if I was healthy, wealthy, strong and powerful?"

Instantly you are shifting the vibration, slipping through the conscious barriers and getting through to the sub-conscious with very little effort!

When you ask positive "what if" questions you can feel your vibration shift, your emotions start to move up the scale and you feel lighter, happier and more positive.

So just play the game, it won't make you appear ridiculous, no one need ever know... it can be totally silent within your own mind. But just start to ask these questions: -

"What if I get the job?"

"What if he/she/they say yes?"

"What if I could become successful?"

"What if my business succeeds?"

"What if I really am the creator of my own destiny?"

"What if I have a really good day today?"

Can you feel the power in these questions?

Can you feel the emotional intensity change within your heart?

These are the empowering questions that will help you to shift up a gear or two and bring your vibrations into alignment with the things you want to experience in your life.

And it ALL starts with a decision to just give it a go!

Just have a try.

What harm can it do?

"What if it actually works?"

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