
The Block Roller Coaster

I hate the word "blocks" 
Would you like to know why?

Mostly because the word itself is a block. Just the mere fact that you are telling me you are blocked is a block!

I am blocked...

Possibly the strongest affirmation in the world, guaranteed to make you stay right where you are. It stops all forward motion because you start to obsess about it. It's all you can think and talk about! You live it and breathe it in every day searching for that one piece of magical information that will get rid of it.

So you stay blocked because you THINK you are blocked!

I just hate that word.

Plus, even if you do figure out what it is, you still have that small voice in the back of your mind that wonders if you really did find out what it was because a few months from now you'll find yourself in another dark place and the "block" roller coaster starts all over again!

So here's what I do...

I replace the word "block" with "distractions"

What is distracting you from attaining your dreams?

Let's start by writing down what is distracting you right now.

  • You have work to do for your boss?
  • Your dysfunctional childhood memories can't get out of your head?
  • Your friends told you that you can't?
  • Bad relationship?
  • No money in the bank?
  • You are sick?


Let's take a look at that last one... you're sick. You are too sick to start moving towards your dream.

OK, I respect that. Being sick is a HUGE distraction! I am a breast cancer survivor and chemotherapy, radiation and operations were a HUGE distraction. Being sick for two years was horrible! However, I never let my illness prevent me from writing my blog, talking with friends, or consulting with clients... all of which brings me incredible joy. Life is just too damn short to not live in your joy.

So what is distracting you?

Lack of money?

There's a good one!

"I don't have enough money to start"

OK... fine... your bank account has a $1.50 in it. I get that.

I also understand that the internet is free and you can do some research on your dream (or your current distraction) without spending a dime. TONS of information there on every topic you can possibly imagine.

What is your HEART telling you to do? Your gut? Your inner voice?

What was your knee jerk reaction when I asked what is distracting you? What was the first thing that popped into your mind?

Start there.

Choose to move forward through your distractions.

Choose to feel the sun on your face, have more than enough money in your bank account, a healthy body and a happy relationship. Choose this in your mind and then feel the results. Smile about it. Daydream about it. Where would you go if your dream was given to you RIGHT NOW? Daydream about that.

Do that every day.

Think POSITIVE forward-moving thoughts that include loving words such as certain, capable and happy!

Eventually, people will magically float into your life that will help you get where you want to go, and the negative ones who are holding you back will float out.

You will stumble across websites and articles that will give you an idea. You'll see something on television or hear it in a song on the radio. Distractions that took over your life yesterday will disappear today and you'll be walking in a new direction.

Then you'll be on your way!

So stop saying that you are blocked!!!!! Your are NOT blocked, you are just temporarily distracted!

Your life might look gloomy and miserable now, but remember that the sun always comes out after a rain storm so hang in there.

Do what I do... when I get into that dark place and random negative situations hit me, I look at the situation as my launching pad to something even greater! Sure I was sick for two years recovering from breast cancer, but if I hadn't gone through it... I wouldn't be here with you right now!

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