
Osmosis - Letting It All Soak In

Scientific words are wonderful. They not only are handy when learning science facts or observing during experiments, they waltz right out of the textbook or lab and two-step into everyday language and life. Osmosis is a perfect example of this. Remember that time in the laboratory when you and your partner were examining membranes to better understand how nutrients pass from one layer to the next? It is a fascinating process and one that is necessary for survival. After all without this soaking in, absorption activity, plants and animals would die.

In life we encounter osmosis again and again. When sitting in a long, complicated lecture your mind has a few options. One is to check out and daydream about anything except the topic at hand figuring that you can gain the knowledge in another way, perhaps on the Internet after the extremely boring droning ends. Another choice is to scribble copious notes, taking in every word whether there is any sense in them at all. You can then take these notes home, place them neatly under your pillow and wait attentively in the belief that as your snore away the hours, osmosis will intercede, allowing intelligence to flow off the page, filter through the feathers and thus enter the brain. Learning will ensue. Of course, this decisions is folly but sometimes with added study, it can sort of work.

The best osmosis technique for me has been a combination of the above. I take wild and crazy notes, gathering as much information as possible. I add marks and dashes to areas where I know that Internet research or partner discussion will be essential after the lecture is complete. I also permit moments of pause. Hopefully these arrive when the professor or other lecturer takes a breath so that I do not lose critical input, but sometimes I just have to grab a mental break. During this time, from 30-60 seconds, I reread notes, add quick diagrams or illustrations if necessary, and then I allow osmosis to jump into motion. As ideas whirl and churn on the page, off the page, and through my brain, I have the satisfaction of realizing what I am beginning know and understand while also noting what remains a mystery at the moment. As a result, this idea osmosis authorizes big thoughts and complicated concepts to realign in a pattern that extends and advances my understanding.

Arriving home after this exhausting day of learning, I must review my notes, add to them as necessary, read them aloud, and then, of course, tuck them under the pillow. As the night breezes by my mind will continue to soak in the messages and meanings of my diligent pursuit of knowledge. No, the notes do not really have to go under the pillow but there is something about keeping them handy that better inserts them into long-term memory.

My advice to you is to adapt osmosis as a daily routine. It entails those moments of stillness and silence when you allow your mind and your brain, and even your heart, time to regroup, reorganize, relax, and reinvigorate. Reflecting on facts and phenomenon will bring you to a higher level of understanding as it also acts as a stress reliever. Tranquility and wisdom will gently be absorbed as you are revitalized. Try it soon - it is guaranteed to improve outlook and soul.

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