
Fear Doesn't Get to Win, and Pain Is Only Temporary (By Julie Martino)

Let me start by saying I've been called psycho or crazy for my radical beliefs all my life. So, if you feel you need to join the ranks of those who say such things, good for you - but they aren't going to upset or affect me. My words are for those who understand and need to hear what I'm saying.

I've lived through basically everything. In one form or another, I've experienced it all. I've been the misfit in the back of the room hoping no one notices me. I've been the popular leader feeling the pressure of everyone counting on me. I've led teams, and I've been the laborer.

I've endure abuse, verbal and emotional strain, loss, rejection, despair, depression, hope and fear.

I've experienced the loss of a child, through a still birth. Divorce through a broken alcoholic filled marriage. And raising numerous children through less than stellar circumstances.

I've known financial windfalls and deep down falls. I've carried my own house, paid for private schools, and also known the welfare line and food pantries.

And I'm here to tell you - it's ALL survivable!

Whatever you are going through today. Whatever wall seems to be looming in front of you. Whatever 'impossible' thing you feel you are enduring - you'll make it through!

Television, newspapers, people, politicians, every day people focus on fear and how hard things are - there's no way - it's impossible - it's gonna hurt - it's gonna be hard.

Yeah, it will be. And you'll sweat. And you'll cry. And you'll hurt.

But you WILL survive!!

And you will be STRONGER!

And you will LEARN!

You'll get past this and discover a strength in yourself you never knew you had, but better than that - you'll LEARN about yourself and life and choices so that you can do better from here on out.

This really will pass - and you will triumph in life! Keep going! Don't EVER give up on YOU!!!

Told you I was radical. But it's what you needed to hear. In the midst of all the daily stress and pressures of life, someone needs to be the voice in the crowd crying out - It'll be OK!

And that's me. Your personal cheerleader. I know you hurt. I know it feels too heavy. I know you've been here before and you hate it and you wish it would all just stop. You're gonna make it. You can do this. I BELIEVE IN YOU!! You're tougher than you think you are and you can endure.,-and-Pain-Is-Only-Temporary&id=8408040

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