
Faith Of The Mind

To control your mind to positive and beneficial purposes is to have ultimate faith in your mind and its genuine abilities. Not to control your mind is fear, and laziness. With that, I begin this article. Mastery is simply a full affirmation of control and productive discipline. Without control and productive discipline from the beginning, nothing is possible. A good or great life is disciplined in itself and is controlled from within. Bad lives are simply devoid of this quality.

Letting the "heart lead you wherever" is the most destructive thing you can do, for genuine intuition involves both the heart and the mind. Indeed, the biggest loss in life is to close your inner eyes or stop thinking, because if you let someone else do it for you in this way, it will be done wrong to you in some way, whether there are good or bad intentions involved. What I am saying is, remember yourself and watch yourself, because nobody is really looking out for "number two", they are always looking out for "number one" or themselves and it does not matter how charitable they may seem. That may seem gross and sickening in a way, but, I am just telling the reality of all situations in life and existence. Laziness is not rewarded. Vigilance is always rewarded, within yourself and outside of yourself. After all, why do you think the "easy way" almost never works easily, while hard, concentrated effort almost always gets it genuinely, every time.

Faithfulness of the mind requires hard work, not being lazy, and realistic vigilance anyhow. The way to lose is to embrace fully the "get rich quick scheme" at full intensity anyhow.

Sure, this may sound patient, realistic and insufferable to some of you. But those who achieve their goals get to work on their definite major purpose. Those who do not achieve anything are lazy, but have made a decision also to do nothing. Everything comes to those with a definite purpose, persistent work and honestly wanted goals.

So, when I call this article "Faith of the Mind", you now have an idea of what I mean without too much effrontery or pretense. I mean, you must have a purpose to what you are doing, a definite purpose. Without a purpose and genuine work ethic, nothing can be achieved. There are so many seeming failures because people are trying to achieve the purposes of other people and not their own. Have you noticed something about success? Success is people achieving their own purposes in reality and the purposes of nobody else. That kind of success is what a genuinely faithful mind, heart and everything else come down to anyhow. Realistically, I will not mince any words: All of this is what we make it.

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