
Eat the Dessert First - Time to Get Busy Fulfilling Our Destiny

It is written...

It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom; Trust in the Lord with all your heart and not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths; Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are northward, southward, eastward and westward, all that you see, I will give to you. What do you see?

Do your problems seem as tall as trees? Do you see bills due and not enough money? Do you see signs of aging and poor health?

What do you see? Or better yet, where do you put your faith?

Irrespective of denomination there are scores of prosperity promises throughout the Bible. We are continually bombarded with endless prosperity techniques and testimonies, but people still believe the problem is with the supply, refusing to understand that the problem is with the demand. We must look into our hearts and begin to truly put our faith in Spirit. It is only when we leap that the net will appear. Start now to move by faith and not by sight.

How often have we asked for something, acted upon the request as if it were already done and then allowed depression, fear and doubt to set in and short-circuit our vision, creating a wilderness experience? Focusing on lack and living out of our past and not our imagination evokes the powerful law of cause and effect. What you see is what you get. It is our own limited consciousness that is getting in our way. Start dreaming a dream so big that the palms of your hand begin to sweat. It has been said on numerous occasions that when you follow your dreams, you will be faced with God-ordained opportunities, brilliantly disguised as problems and challenges. It may be insane to live with a dream, but it is madness to live without one. Living your dreams takes not only courage but an internal belief that you will be successful. Spirit has promised to never fail us nor forsake us. Joshua was successful in conquering Jericho with this promise. Time to get busy fulfilling our destiny. Time to eat the dessert.

After you have dreamed your dream, you must begin to plan. Infinite Kindness is always guiding us. Set aside regularly scheduled time periods to listen to Spirit. Follow the instructions exactly as Spirit reveals them. Do not try to rush Spirit or improve upon the instructions. Commit yourself to doing one thing every day toward making your dreams a reality.

Because life was not meant to be without God ordained opportunities, you will have to be diligent in searching for the good. You are a perfect idea in the mind of the Divine. Every place you find yourself is hallowed ground and while on the hallowed ground, negative thoughts and words are not welcome. Always be mindful of your thoughts and words, especially if you are living a wilderness existence. Thoreau said, "when we move confidently in the direction of our dreams and endeavor to live the life we have imagined, we will meet success unexpected in common hours."

Imagine the life you want to live. It is not necessary to know each step to be taken, it is only important that we begin to walk in the direction Spirit is pointing us toward. If we need to be redirected, as long as we are in motion, Spirit will gently nudge us and guide us to the right path. Whether we are moving toward our dream or living out our days in despair, we are always creating our next experience. Vow today to be proactive with your life and not reactive. Decide your future, believe you can achieve your heart's desire, stop looking back to the "old" you for guidance, trust in Spirit unconditionally and imagine a millionaire's victory. Get ready! Here comes the dessert tray!

Remember life is too short to drink cheap champagne. Dream Big and Life the life you have imagined.

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