
Contents Under Pressure

The most powerful pressure filled, diamond making type force in the world is the spoken affirmation when inside you, inculcated and followed fully. Other than that, a spare thought is just a spare thought. The force of consistent affirmations can move things in life, especially when done consistently. Affirmations can move things for good or for bad. That is the real power of affirmations.

Books of affirmations should come with a warning when seriously used: "Contents under pressure, will cause definite change."

Affirmations seriously used create winners and if carelessly and destructively used, they create losers also. Napoleon Hill and William Clement Stone termed the art of affirmations at any level or type "cosmic habit force". Many writers and thinkers use many terms, but it is all the same force that does the same things anyway.

So, the contents of thought are under pressure when concentrated as a "habit force" when used that way. The real loss is when they are carelessly used badly. When they are used well, that is when great things happen, and miracles are made to order in life and existence. To think, is a piece of energy. To think consistently is a concentration of energies. What do you think a concentrated electric or nuclear turbine is a physical reality of anyway? Why do you think writer Claude M. Bristol could compare physical energy to a dynamite in his books and lectures anyway? Because concentrated thought is that powerful. I am not making anything up, I am being coldly and succinctly realistic in every way: Affirmations and action behind them are the most powerful thing in existence.

The diamond like format is only made through a concentration of energies and powers of mind and spirit. I believe that electricity is a gross form of this energy. A static shock does nothing, but a concentration of electricity is the most powerful thing in existence. Especially when directed as power and the powerful force that it is.

When I think of concentrated spiritual energy, I think of vibration, motion and attraction at its finest, deepest levels. I cannot think of it any other way. Without concentration, these energies are static and nothingness. But with concentration, everything in existence is possible. This brings me to a point, without pressure, coal is just coal, with pressure and power, the coal becomes a diamond. Change can happen in an instant, but what makes it permanent is the habit of consistent vibration of change. Need I say more about this reality?

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