
Cheesy Daily Affirmations Verses Action

OK so I am all for affirmations maintaining a strong mindset and keeping us all on track but really do cheesy daily affirmations really make a difference when we put them up against action?

I am a true believer of affirmations if you cannot affirm to yourself that you are going to achieve whatever it is you are out to achieve you won't stand a chance. If you are unable to convince yourself that you deserve success how the heck are you going to convince the rest of the world. So cheesy affirmations they may be, but it should become a part of your daily routine for success.

Don't get me wrong if you are just wishing and chanting away with your cheesy daily affirmation and taking absolutely no action whatsoever, you will need all the luck in the world to succeed. Because an affirmation cheesy as it may be, without action you are simply wishing for your life to change and for things to take a turn for the better but physically doing absolutely nothing about it.

So the cheesy daily affirmation up against the proven skill of action is not so much one against the other but you mastering the best of both worlds. You will never succeed at anything without the right mindset but you will also never succeed without taking action in some form. So how to you manage the balance to create the perfect life and existence you are after.

Firstly I would find the affirmations that mean something to you. You will need to affirm what you believe to be true to you not what it is that you do not believe. A perfect example is:

I am abundant and attract success everywhere I turn in comparison to the negative of I have no money but wish I had some, see the huge difference in mindset. One has an expectation and a knowing the other is just affirming the lack and what they want whilst confirming what they don't have.

Now to combine the two, this is the trick, to take action and combine the good old cheesy daily affirmation.

Set yourself a goal of setting the goals. You should never embark on a day without knowing what you would like to accomplish in that day. Call it goals, a to do list, dream board, whatever you want to call it. It is your step by step guide to a better future, without a path to follow you will be off in the bushes chanting away with your affirmations attracting nothing but butterflies and mosquitoes.

So start your day with your affirmations, you could call this your meditation time then write out your to do list for the day. And hey presto!! You have now combined your cheesy daily affirmation with your action plan and you are now on your way to success!

To your success

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