
Message From the Universe: Stop Sharing Your Dreams

"There is only one explanation for your existence in time and space:

You wanted it so greatly, you imagined it so vividly, and you prepared for it so thoroughly you could literally taste it.

Get the picture?

This is also how to change your time and space.

The Universe"

Picture is worth a thousand words. Create the picture in your mind of what you want out of life. Be detailed, carve every corner of your new home in your head, think of how many cars you want and their models, how many bedroom you want, entertainment room, size of kitchen and so on and so forth. The Universe needs to see a clear vision of your dreams and goals. You need to draw the best picture you can imagine, just like Leo DaVince. No one can judge you of having big dreams, or mock you as they are yours and created from within. So when can you share these dreams with others? Let them see your dreams without you saying a word. This is the beauty of this whole process. I sometimes see posts on Facebook of people sharing everything, their projects, their ideas and many responses from others congratulating them for pursuing their dreams but unfortunately they never happen. Why is that you may ask? Because sharing is creating negativity around you because readers are starting to focus on you NOT reaching your goals. They are starting to feel jealousy, anger, frustration that someone else has the potential to succeed and not them. They send you bad aura and there is nothing you can do about it.

The dreams you create are your personal dreams to be shared only with your subconscious mind. Do not waste your time is sharing this valuable information with others. Focus on yourself and keep these big dreams in until you reached your goals and let the world see them, and not just hearing them. Let everyone see your true potential ONLY when it arrived. You will definitely get to where you are faster when you keep your mouth shut. Learn to understand that you can only judge yourself and you shouldn't look for others acknowledgement about your career path. Who are they to decide it for you? If you have something that you truly believe in, that you want to bring out for the world to see, then stop talking about it and just make it happen. At the end, when it does happen, the world will know.

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