
Top 4 Tips To Make Your Affirmations Awesome

Affirmations can be a great way to take back control of your life. They help restructuring your thought process in ways that make things happen. But, they need to be used in the right way or else you could be wasting your efforts.

Below are the top 4 tips on how to create the right affirmations so they work in your favor.

#1 Stay in the Present

People tend to think in terms of the future when trying to make something out of their lives. For instance, they may say, "I am going to get a promotion someday." While this is certainly better than using negative language, if you switch your focus to the present rather than the future, you will find you get better results.

So instead of saying someday, somewhere, sometime you will get certain things, you should say things like I am doing whatever it takes to create [this outcome or that result] by taking [this action or that behavior].

Do not focus on the outcomes in the future, focus on performing the next necessary action today so you make real progress.

#2 Make Affirmations Part of Your Routine

Our brain has been programmed with certain beliefs and habits. Making changes can be difficult especially as we get older. There is some truth in the saying that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

However, regardless of age or other self-limiting beliefs, everyone can reprogram their brains if they do it consistent enough. Affirmations will help only if you are willing to take the time, energy and effort to make them a part of your daily routine.

#3 Seek Out Support

Find others who have successfully implemented affirmations to get what they wanted. You could look online for blogs or forums, or you could even advertise in your local area.

Another option is to create a group on for your local area. Search for ones that may already be available or create your own and see what kinds of responses you get. Between the internet and local groups, you should be able to find like-minded individuals who are happy to share their experiences and assist you in your own journey.

#4 Read More About the Subject

There are many resources on the subject of affirmations and personal development. This can be a double-edged sword because not all of the information are created equal and there are tons of irrelevant nonsense in the marketplace.

However, as you become more proficient on the subject, you will find it easier to filter out the noise. There are several books available on Amazon for this topic. You can also participate in some great learning courses on Udemy.

It will take a bit of research but there are programs with great ratings that you may want to engage with. As time change, be sure to search online and offline for updated resources as well.

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