
Don't Shy Away From The Truth

Truth always remains the same unaltered whatever the tricks one may take to conceal. Most of the people think they are smart when they play a double game of hide and seek to serve their selfish motives. Some dress gorgeously and smile elegantly, but sporting enmity and jealousy within.

In the modern world, illusions are respected more than the reality. A priest used to wear a flawless white gown for the church service, though he didn't bathe every day. Sometimes, he would give the sermon without wearing any garments beneath the gown. To understand the truth, some of the real life situations are presented hereunder.

Many people feel shy of their white hair and resort to dyeing it for enhancing the beauty and hiding the age. The repeated use of the dyestuff spoils the hair and leads to allergies and diseases. Some people try hair transplantation to hide their baldness. Lotions and creams are meant for the people who like to conceal their natural wrinkles and age.

A patient cannot expect the right cure from a doctor unless the former expresses his feelings and displays the symptoms correctly. If a person feels shy of showing the sexual organ, he cannot expect any treatment for his sufferings. A person with a hearing defect should not hesitate to ask others for speaking louder.

Shyness prevents many from seeking aid from others. In times of financial difficulties, some people feel embarrassed to express their problems, but end up in self-denial of the solution. If a student shies away from raising doubts for the fear of teasing by the classmates, he cannot learn thoroughly.

Many office goers give the false reasons for their absence to avoid the workload or the colleagues' poking their noses into the personal matters. An officer took permission to visit his ailing relative, but he actually went to a cinema. On the way back from office, an old man told his junior friend to wait a while so that the he can buy some medicine. Actually, the senior man bought a fairness cream to improvise his look.

The virtue of truth leads to simplicity, peace, and prosperity. When our life moves away from the path of the truth, we tend to waste the energy and time, besides losing our health and harmony. Lack of self-confidence is the main reason for the timidity of a man.

To speak out one's mind and act honestly requires a great deal of courage. Beauty lies not in the appearance but shows up through the behavior. Actually, continued shyness leads to an inferiority complex.

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