
Truth Doesn't Have Versions

The sky is falling - the sky is falling. The earth is flat. We are all going to die in this storm. The end of life as we know it will happen this year. Give me a break. Just because the speed limit is 70 MPH - I don't have to go that fast. Just because the expiration date on my eggs is three days past doesn't mean I have to throw them away. Made my point yet or would you like twenty-five more examples (just kidding)?

Yes, I accept that some things I don't like or agree with are true but I also know that some things you believe are true are not - so - does the wind blow in both directions? Well yes. So, why then can't some people accept what is true when there is more than enough evidence and why do so many people live their lives in the realm of lies and obvious truths? I don't have 200 pages to deal with this so I'll do my best with just a few hundred words.

So, what is truth - truth is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality or fidelity to an original or standard. Truth may also often be used in modern contexts to refer to an idea of "truth to self," or authenticity. Need more? Want more? Truth - fact, veracity, certainty, actuality, reality. FYI - Truth isn't - opinion, impression, interpretation, estimation, judgment, belief, experience - Got this one too?

Therefore, I have three questions -

1) why do people act like their opinion etc. is the truth?

2) Why do people work so hard to convince others that their version of truth is the
only one or the only one that matters or the only one that you or I should believe?

3) How many facts (reality do we need) to know what is true or not true.

Is - gravity a truth?

Is - physical death a truth?

Is - the fact that change is constant a truth?


Is - the weather is crappy today a truth?

Is - the service in this establishment is really bad a truth?

Is - this "__________" (whatever) you believe a truth?

Is - this technology is really slow a truth?

Again - got it?

So, back to my questions.

Why do people act like their opinion etc. is the truth? Everything in life is a perception - the weather, time, health, food etc. In other words - This corn is too hot. No, it isn't! This movie is too long. Maybe yes and maybe no. That color is too dark. See where I'm going with this? Ever had an argument or disagreement with someone?

Sure, we all have. What caused it? Very simply - two different opinions coming face to face with each other - when only one could win but both were not necessarily true but you both believed that each of yours were true as far as the two of you were concerned. All conflict is the result of perceptual interpretation not based on truth and why - because truth does not have to be defended if it is real truth. When people can't let go of the need to justify opinions, attitudes, decisions, actions, feelings etc. that might be inconsistent with truth it is generally because of one of the following exists; the need for control, ego needs, arrogance, low self-esteem, insecurity or early conditioning that caused them to feel they need to get others approval in order to achieve self-acceptance and the way they do this is by being right.

Why do people work so hard to convince others that their version of truth is the only one or the only one that matters or the only one that you or I should believe or accept? A lot of this stems from the previous discussion but for clarity I will add a couple of other items. One is called projection. This is simply a refusal to accept a certain type of self-behavior and implying others of having the behavior that you have but refuse to acknowledge, admit or accept. In other words - "I am always late but can't admit it but I always blame you for being late whether you are or are not."

Another one is expanding on something or just making things up that aren't true. I want others to think I am successful so I create a self-story that over time I come to believe as true. Even if you know me well and know what I say about myself isn't true, I will still boast about these untruths as if they were true. Actually, you would be quite amazed at how many people have this behavior.

How many facts (reality do we need) to know what is true or not true.

Well, if you see a lose wire coming from a generator you might want to avoid it. If you see a red-hot grill you might not want to touch it. How many facts do you need to avoid these disasters? Probably just one. If you want to know if Heaven is for real you might need a few more facts. But here's the real issue when it comes to truth. Some things, many things might be or could be true, but we don't know it because we don't have enough information to make a decision. If this is true just because we lack evidence doesn't mean something is or isn't true. Think about it. For years people believed the earth was flat until what - someone figured out that it wasn't. But, many people continued to believe in this untruth because they lacked wisdom, knowledge or information. The same is true today. Could many things be untrue today that we just don't know are untrue but still believe they are? And the opposite. Could many things we believe are not true actually be true?

I'm done with my opinions - so what do you think about what you just read? Truth? Opinion? Blah, Blah, Blah?

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