
The Chain of Human Command

Thoughts control words, words control actions, actions control outcomes. This is the chain of human command. The things that control your life today began as a simple thought of your own or someone else's, the rest is history. Hard to imagine isn't it? Something as innocuous as a thought became the commanding force that controls today and tomorrow. Thoughts either fuel the fire in your soul or become the assign of your hopes.

How powerful are thoughts? Take a moment to look at history; it records the results of thoughts that controlled countless lives. We have been treated to miraculous, awe-inspiring results that made our hearts soar. We witnessed 33 miners emerge from the bowls of the earth in Peru and passengers that seemingly walked on water on the Hudson River. We listened to faint voices of a man on the moon, followed by a space station named Hubble that became a helping hand to many around the planet. We watched medical miracles that restored life and even limbs and marveled at skill and technology that inspired all. These are powerful thoughts that fueled the fire of our souls.

The world has also witnessed the holocaust and many other horrors of dictators and perhaps leaders that were simply mad. We cringe from the atrocities in Syria and feel the despair of parents whose children die slowly in their arms from starvation. We have stared in dismay as the bodies of small children carried from school, victims of only one of the many senseless shootings and terrorism that have become commonplace in our lives. The list of revulsion's are endless. All began with someone's thoughts. They are not innocuous at all; they may be the most powerful force we encounter in life.

What can we learn from this? We can learn that hope must never be extinguished; it harbors the impossible being brought to fruition. We can learn that no dream is too extreme. We can be aware that surrendering to despair can lead to thoughts that became dangerous to ourselves and those around us. We learn that in order to live a life of victory, one where the people we love are touched by miracles, we must begin by harnessing our thoughts so that we control their outcome. We can become more aware of what those around us are thinking, of what they believe, and choose wisely who we will share our lives with. Their thoughts and beliefs can easily manifest and control our lives.

It is important to look at the past to see the absolute results of how this works. We should never consult our past to determine our future. We must move on from people, attitudes and ideas that embrace thoughts that have been recorded in the history of horror. What's possible in your life; it's determined by one question. What do you think?

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