
Staying Focused and Achieving Abundance (By Bridgette Feaman)

Why do most people search the internet? Usually it's to acquire something whether it's information, products or services. There is so much information out there how can you decipher all of it? Talk about complete overload. It happens to me all the time. Once I hit search there it is tons of information, page after page of it. You might wonder at some point I will prompt you to purchase something. Right? To get you to click on a link that leads you to another link and another, well you get the picture. Unfortunately, this is not one of those articles. I was just like everyone else out there searching for information. Information that I couldn't find and if I did find it, my search only turned up partially what I was looking for. I had to go to another site or search and of course click, click, click and click!

In all reality I wanted more, more than what I found on the internet. In my search for more information in the digital world I found that I was seeking more than that just information. I was attempting to find out who I really was and what I wanted out of life whether it was my personal life or business. As if some magical voice was going to tell me who I was! The internet can be intimidating. But what I have learned if nothing else is to stay in my own lane. Don't get caught up in what everyone else is doing because there is no way you can focus on you and the direction you want to go. Believe me it's not easy staying focused in this world where technology is making it easy as 1,2,3 click... to connect with anyone around the world and tap into their lives.

I don't usually put anything out unless I can offer creativity that is truly authentic. So in a world full of distractions, how can you stay focused and gain clarity about YOU? How can you, especially if you're a mom such as myself continue to be true to yourself, be there for everyone who is depending on you? The internet doesn't teach us that. We just have to figure it out, roll with the punches, or what most of us tend to do SETTLE! We begin to truly believe we are not capable of greatness, awesomeness! We begin to feel we are not worthy or we don't have time or in other cases the financial stability to pursue being the best YOU, you can be. Don't lose that genuine, starlight, phenomenal you.

I say, GO FOR IT! Whatever your it is. I know that you might feel fear, anxiety or you simply don't know where to start. Maybe you wanted to write a book, paint that portrait, start that business, the sky is the limit. So if you are in that place of lack then it is time to live in abundance and focus more on you and where you want to be. Share your goodies with the world. For now I want to provide you with a few action items to get you moving in the right direction.

1. Obtain a journal and write in it daily, a personal journal write details about the emotions you feel throughout your day.

2. Reflect on your journal what happened how did you feel and how could you have redirected your thoughts to something more positive.

3. Write down what you really want (this may take some time especially if you have been everything to everyone)

4. Write down what makes you, YOU (your greatness and you are GREAT!)

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